Good Guy 'Santa Biker' Chases Down Hit And Run Driver
There are plenty of bad people out there, and even more ordinary people who make bad choices. Whichever the woman involved in this Parisian car chase is, she couldn’t outrun justice after ploughing through a pedestrian walking across a crossing.
The action is filmed from a biker’s helmet-mounted camera. The biker, dressed as Santa, witnesses the black Renault Clio send a pedestrian flying before attempting to pull the driver over just down the road. The driver stops, at first, but then speeds off, apparently to try to escape punishment.

What happens next is a dramatic first-person chase sequence as the Clio takes risk after risk, barging through traffic time after time. Ultimately, our good guy biker finds two biker cops and gets them involved. They bring the chase to a close with guns drawn, even if one of them does (embarrassingly) drop his bike in the process…
Don’t forget to notice the other driver (in the grey opel who follow since the beginning)
So it’s Good guy Santa and Good guy Mister Opel Driver.
He did quite a good job at following the clio, It must’ve been really difficult
Santa’s on a hunt for the naughty list
Hollywood was right… Heroes do wear costumes!
The fact that he’s wearing a santa costume is hilarious :D but his bike is damn sexy.
be careful because he:’Gonna find out who’s naughty and nice.’
‘Santa Claus is comin’ to town.’
I’m ashamed this happened in my city, but at the same time I’m not surprised. People here are some of the most aggressive drivers I’ve ever seen. There is so much antagonism in just using the damn street crossings you feel like in a war zone 😠 we need more people like that biker
That all being said congrats to the biker. We all need more civil courage like that
C’est malheureusement une des principales raisons pourquoi je ne n’aime pas venir à Paris, avec la circulation sur le périph et les quais…
Na Na Na Batman! Oh wait Santa!!
This is what makes bikers better people than most. Sure they’re loud, and sometimes make unnessesarily dangerous decisions. But when trouble lurks around the corner, there they are.
We’re maybe dangerous sometimes, but we only put ourselves in danger. 😉
If that guy wasnt on the naughty list before, he definitely is now.