Google's Controversial Driverless Cars: What You Had To Say In The Comments
With a story as controversial as driverless cars, you guys had a lot to say. Here are the top-voted comments on the subject

Just in case you’re only now hearing about this story, a little background info: Google’s driverless car concept has two seats and no driver controls, aside from a start and stop button.
The car is festooned in sensors that enables it to detect objects hundreds of metres in every direction, and the top speed is currently capped at 25mph. All sounds a little scary, then, as this development could mean the beginning of the end of driving as we know it.
These were your reactions to the story:
'A good idea for non-car people'

'Go back...'

'Autonomous cars already exist'

'Looks familiar...'

'Time for a riot'

'Rather have this'

'It's the devil'

'A sad day'

'The driving public aren't ready'

'Stick man isn't impressed'

To see more comments on the subject, hit this link.
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