Is Gran Turismo Movie Real Or A Vicious Rumour?

Coming soon to a cinema near you... a Gran Turismo movie?


The current Hollywood rumour mill buzz has it that ground-breaking console racing simulator Gran Turismo is set to be turned into a big budget film by Sony Pictures. No, seriously.

The movie industry is no stranger to turning games into, almost universally terrible, films, but while GT is a 70+ million selling, triple A title that's responsible for far more than its fair share of console sales, it has no plot, no storyline, no dialogue and no actual characters. Not that this stops film-makers - just take one look at Battleship. Actually no, don't.


Odder still, the men supposedly behind the film are Mike De Luca and Dana Brunetti, the producers behind The Social Network and a forthcoming adaptation of the Twilight fanfic, BDSM kneetrembler Fifty Shades of Grey.

Of course car genre movies are big business with the Fast and the Furious franchise unfortunately showing no sign of slowing down, while a Need for Speed game-to-film adaptation is due in cinemas next year starring Breaking Bad's Aaron Paul. And then there's 200mph...


However Gran Turismo contains none of the street-racing that is intrinsic to these titles - being much more akin to a plotless Rush - so what can be done with it remains to be seen. We've taken the liberty of suggesting a few plots:

  1. The hero spends 45 minutes of the film repeatedly driving a single corner, trying to beat the gold time

  2. In the climactic, crucial race our unnamed protagonist easily drives round all his opponents in the first four corners and then just pounds round for the next 5 laps

  3. A prolonged recuperation period after a colossal in-race accident that leaves his car mysteriously undamaged

  4. With $18,000 in his pocket at the start of the film, he has to pick his first car from a choice of Fifty Types of Skyline...

  5. Screw it, just fill the film with the drifting and street-racing that's so popular and just call it Gran Turismo

In the meantime, with this year's GT Academy reaching its final throes, four gamers are about to get their chance to make their own Gran Turismo story. For the rest of us, Gran Turismo 6 is just around the corner...

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