This Guy Lost Both His Arms But Didn't Give Up His Drifting Dream

After suffering horrific injuries in a car crash, Bartku Ostałowskim decided nothing would stand in the way of his dreams to become a drifter
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The above video is in Polish, but you don’t need a translator to appreciate the crazy skill this guy has. In case you’re interested in a bit of back story though, I’ll now hand you over to a Polish friend of mine who politely translated a TL;DR version of the video:

“[Bartku Ostałowskim] had always wanted to be a race driver/drifter, but he got into a car crash and had both of his arms amputated as a result.

“Then two years after the accident he tried to drive again (using his feet) and as soon as he learned how to do it he started all the racing and drifting.”

So next time you think there’s no possible way you can do that thing you love, remember this guy, and know that even when there are barriers to your success, there’s always a way over them.

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