This Guy Reckons His Brand New VW Golf R's Wheel Disintegrated Out Of The Blue

While driving on a winding road in Australia, this guy's two-week-old wheel exploded
This Guy Reckons His Brand New VW Golf R's Wheel Disintegrated Out Of The Blue

When we first saw this destroyed wheel, our initial thought was that the guy was driving too quick and lost control. The accompanying story on Epic Internet details how the driver was driving on a winding road, when the wheel suffered a catastrophic failure, sending him veering off the road.

It does sound like he’s conveniently leaving out the part where he ran off the road, hit something heavy, and shattered his wheel, however the images make for interesting viewing. There doesn’t appear to be any dents in the outer rim of the wheel that would indicate he hit something. It genuinely looks like the alloy has simply exploded under load.

Inspect the images, and tell us what you think in the comments below.

This Guy Reckons His Brand New VW Golf R's Wheel Disintegrated Out Of The Blue
This Guy Reckons His Brand New VW Golf R's Wheel Disintegrated Out Of The Blue
This Guy Reckons His Brand New VW Golf R's Wheel Disintegrated Out Of The Blue

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