The Gyro Cup Holder Is The Best New Invention We Probably Don't Need

Sure, you could just put a lid on your drink, but who wouldn't enjoy their hot, topless beverage swinging about inches from their leg?
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In April 2014, this intriguing campaign for a gyroscopic cup holder was launched. The device uses a gyroscopic effect to ensure that no matter how much the car moves about, your drink would never spill.

After the Indiegogo campaign ended in June, the Hungarian team behind the invention had only raised $100 of their $8000 goal. Which is a shame, because despite the fact that you could just stick a lid on your drink, the mechanics behind it are pretty cool to watch in action. We also imagine it’d be quite satisfying throwing the car around trying to beat the system, until the inevitable cleanup is required once you successfully spill your drink.

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Another similar device recently entered the gyro cup holder battle (above), and while this appears to have a more integrated design, we imagine it’ll suffer the same fate as its predecessor - the problem is it’s the solution to a problem nobody really has. Still… it looks cool in a video, so there’s that, I guess.

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