Here Are 10 Political World Leaders Imagined As Cars For Some Reason

The ladies and gents at Car Wow have clearly been eating too much cheese, and have decided to imagine some of the world's political leaders as vehicles, in a manner reminiscent of the Disney movie 'Cars'
Here Are 10 Political World Leaders Imagined As Cars For Some Reason

Donald Trump - Ford F-150

Here Are 10 Political World Leaders Imagined As Cars For Some Reason

Vladimir Putin - Lada Niva

Here Are 10 Political World Leaders Imagined As Cars For Some Reason

Tony Blair - MG ZT 260

Here Are 10 Political World Leaders Imagined As Cars For Some Reason

Hilary Clinton - Tesla Model 3

Here Are 10 Political World Leaders Imagined As Cars For Some Reason

Angela Merkel – Volkswagen Golf

Here Are 10 Political World Leaders Imagined As Cars For Some Reason

Kim Jong-un – Ural 4320 MLRS

Here Are 10 Political World Leaders Imagined As Cars For Some Reason

Theresa May – Mini hatchback

Here Are 10 Political World Leaders Imagined As Cars For Some Reason

Silvio Berlusconi – Fiat 500L

Here Are 10 Political World Leaders Imagined As Cars For Some Reason

Barack Obama – Ford Mustang

Here Are 10 Political World Leaders Imagined As Cars For Some Reason

Boris Johnson – Morgan 3-Wheeler

Here Are 10 Political World Leaders Imagined As Cars For Some Reason

Head over to Car Wow to find out the reasoning behind the car choices.

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Thats not an Evo

Haha Putin as a Niva? That car is way too humble. He needs something tacky made for the Russian bourgeoise like a ZIL.

09/07/2016 - 11:04 |
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The Outsider

You should have done “Francois Hollande”(the french president) with a Twingo first gen x)

09/07/2016 - 11:05 |
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Floppy as he is

09/07/2016 - 13:08 |
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Papa pressé

No France. Ouf !

09/07/2016 - 11:07 |
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These just look like some scary ‘Cars’ characters…

09/07/2016 - 11:10 |
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Idk why but the pic of mustang obama makes me feel happy inside, and I’m not the greatest mustang fan

09/07/2016 - 11:49 |
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Ethan 18

The Obama was so spot on

09/07/2016 - 11:50 |
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1 word to describe this post: LOL!😂😂😁

09/07/2016 - 12:10 |
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The Dutch Texan

Obama would be a fiat multipla. The perfect utility vehicle with lots of interior space, but horrible execution. And Hillary? Prius, the vehicle of choice for a woman of her stature. Trump? Something big, something brash. Something that bowls over anyone and keeps on going. F150? Too small. F650 would be more fitting. Hummer need not apply, that’s Arnold Schwarzenegger!

09/07/2016 - 12:18 |
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Justin Trudeau would be a Toyota GT-86, everyone goes nuts over it when its first released, then the love wears off fast and you have something that sounds cool at parties but unless you put money into changing it up gets old quick

09/07/2016 - 12:24 |
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