Here Are The Most Common Causes Of Road Rage In The UK

A new study has revealed a multitude of interesting facts about road-based fury in our beloved British Isles
Here Are The Most Common Causes Of Road Rage In The UK

If you’ve ever experienced road rage behind the wheel, rest assured, you are not alone; it’s more common for drivers to lose their cool than you might think. According to a study commissioned by insurers 1st Central, a staggering 93 per cent of people in the UK claim to suffer from road rage.

However, that’s not the only thing the study reveals. It also gives us a look at the 10 mostly likely sources of vehicular fury. Traffic jams come in at number 10, and - perhaps surprisingly - slow drivers were just one place ahead at number nine. Inattentive cyclists come in at number six, while those using mobile phones at the wheel earned the number three spot on the list. The most likely cause of an Incredible Hulk moment, though, was drivers changing lanes dangerously. The full list of 10 road rage causes can be seen here.

Here Are The Most Common Causes Of Road Rage In The UK

Going back to the point about phones, the study revealed some facts - both interesting and concerning - about mobile use while driving. 27 per cent of men owned up to using a mobile phone driving, as opposed to just 13 per cent of female drivers. A comparatively low but still rather scary two per cent of drivers find it difficult to to drive without checking their phone, while four per cent of younger drivers like to take selfies on the road. Yikes.

Disclosure: this post has been sponsored by Steak Group.

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