Here's The Tesla Semi's Really, Really Big Problem

I, for one, welcome our electric semi-truck overlords.

Here's The Tesla Semi's Really, Really Big Problem

I, for one, welcome our electric semi-truck overlords.

If you know anything about my views on Tesla Motors, electric vehicles, and Elon Musk’s outrageous business strategies, you’d probably expect me to hate the Tesla Semi about as much as the Wicked Witch of the West hated water. Truth be told, I can personally get behind the idea of an electric transport truck. For one, it might mean that there’s more petroleum for the rest of us. More importantly, however, it could potentially make the world’s air that much less toxic to suck into our chests. What’s more, it could be Tesla’s best real chance at not losing money. Which means the Roadster that they also released yesterday might actually be a thing. I might not be the world’s biggest Tesla fan, but I digress. This might be a good idea, after all!

Of course, I wrote that paragraph without using one of humankind’s most reliable and valuable instruments ever created…the calculator.

Here's The Tesla Semi's Really, Really Big Problem

Before I start crunching the numbers behind Tesla’s electric truck-driving fantasy, I should point out that they did pleasantly surprise me with their solution to the long-reviled Achilles heel of EVs thus far: range and charging anxiety. Although it’s perhaps still inadequate for long-haul usage, the Tesla Semi’s 500-mile driving range sets the bar quite a bit higher than I was expecting. Even more impressive was Tesla’s “Megacharger”, which promises to provide the Semi with up to 400 miles of charge in just 30 minutes. That’s more than enough time for a trucker to go into the truck stop, have a shower, grab a coffee and some road snacks, and get back on the road.

Now this sounds exciting, but it’s not surprising that this king of charging uses a lot of power. Tesla claims that the new Megacharger will have a charging output of “more than ten times the power levels” of its Superchargers. Those put out approximately 120 kilowatt-hours of energy, which means that the Megacharger could put out close to 1.5 MWh at peak load.

In other words, in the time span of the truck driver’s lunch break, the Tesla Semi will consume about as much electricity as the average North American home does in one month. That’s one truck, with one trailer, in one half of an hour.

Here's The Tesla Semi's Really, Really Big Problem

Of course, there’s rarely just one truck stop in a major city, and there’s usually more than one truck filling up at each one. This means that truck stops are going to end up being huge drains on the power grid if EV truck transport is going to become a reality. I’m not a power systems engineer, but I’d be willing to bet that even the best-equipped power grids will need to add some production facilities just to keep things running smoothly.

This could result in trouble with the Tesla Semi’s next-strongest perceived advantage: running costs. Tesla claims that the Semi will cost around $1.20 U.S./mile to run, which is about 20% cheaper than what it takes to run the average diesel semi. However, according to the MIT Technology Review, that figure was created using an estimated electricity cost of just 7 US cents per kilowatt-hour. This is close to half of what the average American homeowner pays, and that’s a rate that could easily jump if there were to be some significant increase in electricity consumption (like you would expect if hundreds of electric tractor-trailers were plugged in at once).

But let’s assume the price of power stays where it is. Will it actually be cheaper for trucking companies to double down on the Tesla Semi? The price of the truck hasn’t been revealed, but the MIT Technology Review estimates that the Semi’s batteries alone will cost over three times as much as the average oil-burning big rig. This means that the truck will have to put on over 1 million miles before it actually starts saving money versus the diesel status quo. While that’s not unreasonable mileage to expect out of a big semi, the financial rewards certainly aren’t as glorious as Elon Musk wants you to believe.

Here's The Tesla Semi's Really, Really Big Problem

And then there’s the issue of truck stops—will they be converting diesel pumps into power plugs, and will this be good for the environment? Given Tesla’s woeful financial situation, you’d have to assume that they would have to install their own plugs at existing truck stops than it would be to build all-new charging facilities. But where is all that electricity going to come from? That’s a lot of power for Tesla to demand out of utility companies, and that could cost Tesla dearly.

But there might a relatively cheap, easy solution.

Here's The Tesla Semi's Really, Really Big Problem

You see, these green boxes could easily satisfy the energy requirements of the Megacharger. They cost far less than a new power station, and they generate electricity from something that’s already available at every single truck stop, minimizing the amount of infrastructure that needs to be upgraded. This makes it an attractive option for implementing Tesla’s pipedream of high-voltage shipping.

It’s a diesel generator, and I’m sure the phrase defeating the purpose has already popped into your head. However, if this was such a stupid idea, then why is Cummins—one of the biggest diesel engine manufacturers in the world—equally gung-ho about building their own electric semi?

Here's The Tesla Semi's Really, Really Big Problem

This is the Cummins Urban Hauler, and it was released before the Tesla Semi. While it only has a 200-300 mile range, it can be fitted with a “range extender” (read: a Cummins diesel engine). Could it be that Cummins has some doubt about the feasibility of electric trucks? Maybe not, but they’ve certainly created some food for the world’s cynics.

Of course, these conjectures are meant to be slightly humourous and sarcastic. But the poignant reality remains: Tesla has released yet another logistically-challenged, pie-in-the-sky concept at a time where it’s getting harder and harder to actually take them seriously. Tesla needed to start delivering on their promises a long time ago. They absolutely can’t afford to be in the business of imaginary business, and they won’t be for much longer if the Tesla Semi turns out to be a bust.

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BenPaye(JDMSquad)(MX5Squad)(LFAsquad)(Subie Squad) (Rotary F

Plus its the ugliest Lorry in the world

11/17/2017 - 23:00 |
220 | 16

Agreed. That’s one face that only a mother (and Elon) can love.

11/17/2017 - 23:06 |
96 | 4

Lol it looks like a sperm whale

11/17/2017 - 23:34 |
30 | 4

It looks like a dyson ate a lorry and then got stung in the face by a bee

11/17/2017 - 23:47 |
32 | 6

If cover the bottom half of it doesn’t look bad. The lower half looks bad

11/18/2017 - 00:21 |
2 | 0

Well said 😂😂😂

11/18/2017 - 05:58 |
2 | 2
AAA Insurance

“In other words, in the time span of the truck driver’s lunch break, the Tesla Semi will consume about as much electricity as the average North American home. That’s one truck, with one trailer, in one half of an hour” so in what time span does an average north american home consume this amount of energy? Half an hour? If so, then that’s not bad at all.

11/17/2017 - 23:05 |
56 | 0

Oops—should have clarified. That’s how much power a home uses in one month, edited! Thanks for catching that

11/17/2017 - 23:07 |
48 | 0

“This means that the truck will have to put on over 1 million miles before it actually starts saving money versus the diesel status quo.” Based on Tesla’s reliability record, you’d be doing well to reach 100,000 miles before the battery packs need replaced

11/17/2017 - 23:09 |
50 | 0
Z. K.

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Exactly. And trucking is a business, which means that no matter how ever nice this thing may be, they will not buy it because its not financially viable.

11/17/2017 - 23:40 |
46 | 0

trucks really should have been the first to be hybrid, to get instant torque of EV and range of a combustion engine.

11/17/2017 - 23:21 |
22 | 2

There is no need for insant torque. They stay at constant speed for 100s of km.

11/18/2017 - 00:36 |
18 | 0

No, they shouldn’t have been the first to be hybrid. Remember, trucks need to carry heavy loads, passenger cars don’t. When technology is in its child fase and you want to apply that on a demanding vehicle, when you can also put it on a much lighter one, you’d be better off doing the latter.

Generally, for a Semi to be decently successful, it needs enough power to pull it’s load and needs to be cheap enough. Putting new technology into something which needs to be economically viable, isn’t gonna work. Companies don’t care about fancy options, they don’t care about emissions, they care about making bank and splitting away from combustion only isn’t the way to do so.

Smaller vehicles (like passenger cars) do not need to be economically viable. They also don’t need to carry heavy loads, making them much more fit for testing things, like hybrid tech. These vehicles are also usually stationary for a long time, allowing for charging times to be high without too much issues, if that option is available. People and non-logistics businesses (like pizzerias) are willing to lay aside some more money to be able to claim they’re “helping to save the environment”.

There’s a reason these technologies are first applied to less demanding vehicles. Electric planes are always small (Do you see Boeing or Airbus legitimately talking about making electric planes?) and hydrogen powered vehicles are always CARS, not trucks.

11/19/2017 - 08:08 |
0 | 0

100% agreed. Remember that even the Devel Sixteen is more credible than the Tesla Roadster right now as far as promises and claims. Both the Roadster and the semi are vapourware until they are shown to be actually viable. And all it’ll take is investors to lose confidence for Tesla to collapse.

11/17/2017 - 23:34 |
30 | 0

The Devel Sixteen sounds more like just a mad project than anything else. Even amongst the richs, I don’t think there’s a lot of people interested in a 4.5k HP car.

11/18/2017 - 03:14 |
14 | 2

The thing is tesla is not reallyyyy being funded by ‘investors’ at the minute they are speculators that think Elon is actually an intelligent businessman and not just a lunatic… If he asks them for money they will throw it at him without thinking about it. I would question the sanity and intelligence of any real investor stupid enough to even considering giving Elon or Tesla money. Personally i think the sooner Tesla collapses the better, then good companies can get the attention they deserve for their EV’s and developing EV technology.

11/18/2017 - 11:24 |
10 | 6

Have to disagree with that only because the Devel hasn’t turned a wheel yet whereas the roadster was giving passenger rides after the launch event. Dragtimes guy did a vid on it.

11/18/2017 - 15:37 |
0 | 0

Agree about the semi needing to be shown to be viable though. Convincing the share holders of any major company will be a huge leap!

11/18/2017 - 15:38 |
0 | 0

The single-seat-no-bed configuration is the dumbest thing ever. This proves Elon has no idea what truckers want. They want a better sleeping space, 2 comfortable seats, and the ability to pay at a toll booth without getting out of their truck because they can’t reach.

11/17/2017 - 23:48 |
82 | 0

My main issue is the fact that Tesla wants the public to trust them without a human even in the cockpit eventually, so many drivers can lose their jobs if companies adopt it.

11/18/2017 - 00:36 |
30 | 0
Olivier Culat #86

There’s always that one guy! To be honest, I think it will all be very expensive but Tesla will make it to the end. I have believed in them ever since I saw the Roadster for the first time, and once the Model 3 starts selling, they’ll be in good shape.

11/18/2017 - 00:58 |
4 | 2

“Large problem” large truck. Eh, eh?! No, ok I’ll go now.

11/18/2017 - 01:52 |
0 | 0