Here's Why the Tesla Model X Is (Not) An Awful Car
The Tesla Model X is an awful car… or is it? Watch the video for my thoughts, or check out my column here.
The Tesla Model X is an awful car… or is it? Watch the video for my thoughts, or check out my column here.
Why sell your skyline??
That is Doug’s whole thing. He buys a car, does a bunch of reviews and quirky videos for about a year, and then he sells it and moves on to the next interesting vehicle
If you want the Tesla, but don’t have the money, migh I suggest this. Same cargo space. Same extended windshield. Just as practical back doors. It’s basically the same thing.
Yes the rear doors open in a super tight space, but what’s the flipping point of being able to get in the back if you can’t get in the front??
For more information, you can check out my column on
It’s an amazing car. What are you talking about t
Seriously tho, I want to know more about Viper’s repairing costs and if Brit is going to appear soon…
But it has full torque from start
Why is the Tesla Model X an awful car he asks? Because its a pigeon-wing minivan pretending to be an off road vehicle. And it has a build quality comparable to the Yugo.
But Ygo is best car…
Because it’s a crap car that’s why
Why does everyone either love or hate Tesla man I don’t get it where’s the moderation
Everything he did to the screen made me cringe. Wonder how the owner will feel when they watch.