This Hilarious Volvo 240 'Regular Car Reviews' Video Will Make Your Inner-Hipster Rejoice

Regular Car Reviews is back, and this time it has scenesters in its sights

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Last time out for Regular Car Reviews it was the trippy Nissan 370Z under the microscope. This time it's big, it's black, it's the Volvo 240. Originally aimed at families, the 240 has become the go-to motor for hipsters, which makes Mr. Regular Car Reviews angry.

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'This is a rolling monument to minimalism and showcases Volvo's determination to remain stuck in its ways for as long as possible,' we're told. It's also unbelievably slow thanks to 1970s technology that's been only lightly modified to 90s standards.

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But once the scenesters had moved on it became okay to love its boxy, Swedish goodness. So sit back and enjoy the detailed analysis of this legendary Volvo.


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