How Anyone Survived This Brutal 200mph Ferrari 458 Crash Is A Miracle

When a Ferrari 458 racer crashed at 200mph, everybody feared the worst. But miracles do happen...
Moment of impact, as Terajima's Ferrari hits the wall head on at nearly 200mph, just feet from the steward. Moment of impact: Terajima's Ferrari hits the wall head on at nearly 200mph, just feet from the steward.

Lightning fast reactions and incredibly high safety standards are to thank for the survival of a steward and driver at Ferrari 458 Challenge event at Suzuka, Japan on April 21st. Driver Shigeru Terajima was caning his Fezza at approximately 200mph when he inexplicably lost control, veering right across the pit exit into the inside wall.

The car disintegrates around the passenger cell as carbon fibre showers the circuit The car disintegrates around the passenger cell as carbon fibre showers the circuit

The impact was so immense that the wall and tyres were forced back while the 458 disintegrated around the cockpit as it span and rolled to a halt on its roof. Marshals and medical personnel rushed to tend to the injured Terajima. A fellow competitor instantly pulled over to help while doctors got to work.

A fellow competitor holds his head in his hands as doctors work on the injured Terjima. A fellow competitor holds his head in his hands as doctors tend to the injured Terjima.

Miraculously both injured parties survived. The steward only suffered minor injuries despite being thrown to the floor by the impact - a medical worker can be seen going to his aid at 1:07 - while Terajima was transferred to a local hospital in serious condition. He is now on the road to recovery. Watch the video and be amazed that nobody was killed.

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