How Car Guys And Environmentalist Can Help Each Other Big Time #Blogpost

Usually, when you put car guys and environmentalist in the same sentence it doesn’t end well. But what if there was a way to make us both happy? Well, there is one way.

How Car Guys And Environmentalist Can Help Each Other Big Time #Blogpost

Usually, when you put car guys and environmentalist in the same sentence it doesn’t end well. But what if there was a way to make us both happy? Well, there is one way.

You see Germany is trying to ban diesel cars and that’s a story for some other time. But the main problem is this: Why actually make new cars? I mean yeah new cars are fun and exciting to drive. That’s why I will leave luxury and performance cars out of this.

My main point in this article will be people who like one of the following things:

  • Restoring classics/old cars
  • Building their own race car
  • Tuning a car

Basically here’s the idea. Instead of giving money to people to support the purchase of new cars, why not give money to support restoring and converting old cars to electrical drive? I mean you still get to build your own and unique car, which is very good if you are a car guy, but then again, we reduce the number of scrap yards and get better 0-60 times and bigger reliability. And we get more EVs on the road. Here’s how the idea would work:

Different Classes

How Car Guys And Environmentalist Can Help Each Other Big Time #Blogpost

Now it all depends on what thing will you do.

If for example, you are going to buy a 10-year-old car with a blown engine, you will get a smaller amount of money, but if you are going to buy a 50-year-old rusty car for this project, you will get more money. Sure the money from the government won’t be enough for the whole process. But it’s a start up like the one EU gave for purchasing EVs.


How Car Guys And Environmentalist Can Help Each Other Big Time #Blogpost

Now, of course, manufacturers would be pissed. But they can help too. For instance, you probably won’t build an engine for yourself, so why not ask car manufacturers to make engines and kits. And if they don’t want, there will be many more companies that will.

Now there is another thing, it all depends on what car you will use, and for what purpose. For instance, if you’re using a 10-year-old A8 for this project you will need a range of 500 km. Then simply you will put a weak engine and a huge battery. On the other hand, if you use an MX-5 you will put a small battery and a strong engine. Why? Well let’s face it you will use your MX-5 for B-roads, and all you need for them is tons of power and a small amount of weight. On the other hand, if you’re using an A8 you will need a big range, and you probably won’t hit a track with it. These kits would include everything you need, with a custom choice of battery and the engine. Also because the battery and electrical engine aren’t connected mechanically, you can put the battery anywhere. Want more grip on the front? Put the battery in front, want more grip at the rear? Put it in the rear. There are an infinite amount of customizations, and then again, you could tune the engine for more power.

So basically, yes you won’t have your sound, but listen to me, would you rather go and buy an EV or use this method? In the end, even in 100 years, we will drive an iconic beetle, it might run on electricity, but it’s definitely better than letting it rust in the scrapyard. And the car would be reliable, not really something you hear when someone mentions a classic.

Solar Panels

How Car Guys And Environmentalist Can Help Each Other Big Time #Blogpost

Now I already know there will be a guy in the comments saying “But tons of EVs would kill power plants because we don’t have enough power plants…

But here’s the another idea. Now, this won’t work globally, but what if we gave people money to put solar panels on their rooftops. Sure that won’t help the UK, mainly because of the weather. But here in Croatia, we have too much sun. Why not use it? If I’m not mistaken Croatian government already has something like that, but putting it on a global scale would be much better.

It would basically be like this. Last month you made more electricity than you spent, you get money. You spent more than you made? You have to pay. Of course, the initial price of putting solar panels would be only partially covered by the government, but hey, free charging of your car is free charging.

Hope you enjoyed my post
Also, hope someone important reads it.
Tomislav Celić

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You mentioned that converting cars to be electric can improve reliability. Unless the car in question is an old Yugo, this isn’t the case. The Nissan Leaf and BMW i3 have below average reliability, and Tesla reliability is just terrible. Some old cars, on the other hand, such as the E34 5 Series and Mercedes W124 can run hundreds of thousands of miles with few faults, so converting these to run on electricity will just reduce reliability.

08/05/2017 - 11:59 |
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Tomislav Celić

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Only thing you can break is the EE and the batteries.

And do I have to list how many things can go wrong in the new 2017 Golf TDi? And srsly even my 7 yo sister could fix an EE engine, they are just too simple.

08/05/2017 - 12:16 |
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Global warming is a FARCE to make money.
Governments pay a scientists to fake results in their favor.
Most scientists are not willing to do such a thing. But there is always one that will…

08/05/2017 - 13:44 |
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Tomislav Celić

In reply to by suchdoge

Dude it’s 43 degrees Celsius here. And the record 20 years ago was 36.

08/05/2017 - 14:58 |
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Heres the issue. There are 2 main things ppl blame for pollution: cars and coal power plants. So lets look at this from the governments point of view. Whats more expensive. Replacing coal power plants by either demolishing and building a renewable powerplant or converting it. Or just make a law saying ppl neee to buy electric? Making a new law is obviously cheaper. And if you ban the use of coal world wide that would result in millions of ppl not having elecricity because they can’t afford anything but coal. Carrying for the environment is a luxury only wealthy nations can afford.

08/05/2017 - 14:56 |
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Tomislav Celić

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Agreed. But this is not only about clean energy. Getting rid of rotten racs is also the point of this article.

08/05/2017 - 15:02 |
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Honestly, the biggest plus here is that we could modify our cars however we wanted, with as much HP as we wanted, without worring about failing an emmisions test or inspection

08/05/2017 - 17:02 |
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Extreme Daniel

I like that idea. This will need time, but it could work. Old cars are awesome and keeping them on the road this way is nice

08/05/2017 - 17:04 |
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I agree you could have your dream car for exampmle a 69 mustang with a electric motor. Sure you won’t have that roaring V8 but you would have your dream car that you could still paint whatever color you whant put any wheels you what any interior anything and you won’t destroy environment and both side would be happy.

08/05/2017 - 21:38 |
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H5SKB4RU (Returned to CT)

I would just sell a mini-hybrid conversion kit that barely works, so i can still feel the power of my ICE car 98% of the time and legally without the law scr**ing my wallet to taxes just to force me into buying a ev

08/06/2017 - 16:34 |
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I agree with this

08/07/2017 - 16:23 |
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Tanner's GTI

How about e85 and other biofuels get tax reduction or exemption

08/07/2017 - 16:59 |
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Let’s watch Adam ruins everything on why Ev’s ain’t good

08/07/2017 - 21:45 |
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