How To Deal With Road Rage In Taiwan - Use Man's Ultimate Power Move

Using weapons is too easy. The way to make someone really suffer is to own his soul...

Forget guns, angry Russians and shouting. The way to put a stop to tail-gating and bad driving is to give the perpetrator your ultimate power move - a deep and proper stare-down. Here are 6 golden rules this Taiwanese boss uses to good effect:

Step 1

Slow the car behind you down in a controlled manner.

Step 2

Slide on leather driving gloves and exit your vehicle.

Step 3

Saunter up to the bonnet of the perp's car, wipe your nose and place gloved hands in your pockets.

Step 5

Stare deep into the eyes of the man who has tailgated you. Make sure you go deep enough for him to regret his actions and to question the humanity of mankind.

Step 6

After 25 seconds of boss-like ownership, saunter back into your car and leave the scene calmly.

Primitive as this behaviour is (dogs do this sort of thing), it sure as hell seems to do the trick. Respect to that man.

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