Introducing The EmojiTR: Team Car Throttle's Official Gumball 3000 Car

It's yellow, it spits flames, and is our official weapon of choice on this year's Gumball 3000 Rally. Introducing the EmojiTR...
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After I called the 2015 Gumball 3000 Rally “the best week of my life”, I knew it would only be right if I could repeat this once-in-a-lifetime event, and this time bring some Car Throttle team members along for the ride.

Introducing The EmojiTR: Team Car Throttle's Official Gumball 3000 Car

A few months later, with help from our kind friends at Gumball, we announced our official participation as Team Car Throttle in this year’s 2016 Rally, which sees us journey from Dublin to Bucharest. But the issue of the car was still outstanding.

One day, after a few too many awful ideas, Producer Ethan (and of course modest Swagon owner) came up with a gem that turned out to be this year’s theme. And so it gives me great pleasure to announce our official car to the community…hello EmojiTR!

Introducing The EmojiTR: Team Car Throttle's Official Gumball 3000 Car

Of course, CTzens will know that underneath this emoji-laden wrap is in fact my Nissan GT-R. It’s a 660bhp monster tuned by Litchfield and fitted with a 650R pack from Knight Racer which churns out 555lb ft of torque and is capable of hitting 60mph in under three seconds. But, perhaps most importantly for the Rally, it has an Armytrix exhaust which crackles, pops, bangs and spits epic flames!

Introducing The EmojiTR: Team Car Throttle's Official Gumball 3000 Car

Your drivers from Dublin to London will be myself and Head of Marketing Gabor (or Gabz as he’s known around here). Then the big man (with the small guns) Alex and unofficial ‘non-car guy’ Ethan will take over for the drive to Bucharest.

Our official team number is 110, and we’ll be handing out free swag including caps and emoji t-shirts to CTzens and fans along the way, so make sure you catch us on the grids in all the major cities! We’ll of course be bringing you regular content on the platform in the Gumball 3000 community so you can follow our progress, as well as on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat. Make sure you’re following us there and hashtag #EmojiTR to help us get the word out.

So that’s it for now, join us on the road for more adventures starting this Saturday from Dublin.

A huge thanks to Dub Customs, BossDog and Michelin for helping us get the EmojiTR on the road.

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Unpopular opinion inbound…
I like it. Give me all your downvotes.

04/27/2016 - 21:17 |
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Tim Dude

That is both hideous but amazing all at the same time! My eyes bleed for a sec but then i laugh my ass of because its awesome. Well done!

04/27/2016 - 21:51 |
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Ethan Dudenas

What happened to the F-Type?

04/27/2016 - 23:02 |
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Alex and Ethan seems very excited

04/28/2016 - 01:06 |
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Stephen Garemogg

You’re going to let Ethan drive!?! Oh dear.

04/28/2016 - 02:06 |
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is it the only car from team CT @ gumball ???

04/28/2016 - 02:59 |
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BünnyRöcket Entertainment

That might get the best design award

04/28/2016 - 04:34 |
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Charlie Webber

Love it ☺️👍🏻 have a good drive. Looking forward to the snapchats!

04/28/2016 - 07:24 |
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lmao so much hate. I love it!!

04/28/2016 - 13:30 |
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Mihai-Sebastian Călin

I’m so sad that I can’t come to Bucharest and see you guys (seen as I don’t have a license yet and my dad’s at work in those days) :/
Woulda been sweet to meet y’all. Welp, have fun at the rally :)

04/28/2016 - 13:37 |
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