It's Official: BMW Drivers Are The Biggest Jerks

According to studies into the subject, BMW drivers are the biggest jerks on the road


Our assumption that BMW drivers are the biggest jerks on the roads is, according to studies, actually true.

Research carried out at the University of California, Berkeley, confirms that “BMW drivers were the worst” at stopping for pedestrians at crosswalks, according to researcher Paul K. Piff. In the study of 152 motorists, every driver behind the wheel of a beater car stopped for pedestrians.

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Interestingly too, drivers of expensive cars (Mercedes and BMWs included) were far more likely to cut other motorists up and jump queues in four-way-stop intersections.

And what of Prius drivers, you ask? “In our higher-status vehicle category, Prius drivers had a higher tendency to commit infractions than most,” said Piff.

What do you think?

While all this makes for interesting reading, we thought it only right to open a poll to see how many of us agree with the study. We'll update you with the results next week.


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