This Lady Went Completely Nuts At A Subaru WRX STI Driver And We've No Idea Why
Since she's shouting in such a hysterical manner, we can't be entirely sure what got this lady so riled up. It sounds like she's accusing the STI driver of nearly running her over, but who knows, maybe it's just because she's an Evo fan..
Μeanwhile that S13 was just chillin Modified but that doesn’t bother her in general
HAHAHA this is close to where I live
She either 1) thought he was going fast because exhaust note 2) thinks every car with a spoiler drives like a complete ass (somewhat true) or 3) is this kind of person.
So every car with a spoiler drives like a complete ass?.. I have been missing something..
In GTA V we just run over them and steal their money. Such a beautiful world.
upvotes clicks the watch on youtube button clicks like
Here in Denmark, in this village of about 300 people, everyone is chill, so in our village with call her, ‘an outsider’
In Russia we call them vodka-hating-demented pussys
by the ways, she is probally part of Moms against cars
She must be mad he has an STI and she probably has wrx only
People are crazy
dat eclipse 3g though, I like it more than the subaru