Lamborghini Has Given The Pope A Huracan

All 80-year-old men secretly want a Lamborghini for Christmas (probably), and that's what Pope Francis has actually got. Instead of driving it, he has blessed it before it goes to charity auction next year
Lamborghini Has Given The Pope A Huracan

Holy Lamborghinis, Batman! No, really, it’s a Lamborghini Huracan that’s been blessed by the Pope.

Christianity has a long tradition of people trying to buy their way into Heaven. Even the three wise men (or three kings, depending on the telling) who visit the baby Jesus in the classic Christmas tale bring expensive and rare gifts.

Lamborghini Has Given The Pope A Huracan

This time, though, the wise man is Lamborghini boss Stefano Domenicali and the infant son of a deity is, err, the 80-year-old Pope Francis. The gift? A specially-liveried Huracan that, following its blessing by the Catholic church’s highest-ranking man, will be auctioned for charity. The Pope has won the star prize but picked the cash alternative.

Prepared by the company’s Ad Personam bespoke requests department, the Huracan is painted in Bianco Monocerus (white) with detailing in Giallo Tiberino (gold); a design based on the Vatican City state flag.

Given how rare papal blessings seem to be among cars’ history files when you’re down at your local used car dealer or browsing Auto Trader, it’s a safe bet that this little Lamborghini will fetch a vast, vast sum of money.

Lamborghini Has Given The Pope A Huracan

The money will then be donated to the Pope himself, who already has his flights to the Maldives booked. We jest; the money will be split three ways between the Christian community in Iraq’s Nineveh Plain, the Pope John XXIII Community that helps victims of trafficking and abuse, and lastly a closely-linked series of Italian charities helping women and children in Africa.

We expect the auction to take place under the RM Sotheby’s banner in May next year. It’s only fitting that the sale takes place in Rome, or even Vatican City itself, but we’re yet to get confirmation on that.

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Thank God is not a Diablo

11/17/2017 - 14:22 |
4 | 0
Mandalore the Ultimate

All car guys dream job is to be the pope

11/17/2017 - 22:29 |
0 | 0

I wanna see the pope do a dank donut in that

11/18/2017 - 03:07 |
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TheRossionFan (degenerate gang)

Saw it on the news first lol

11/18/2017 - 05:34 |
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Andrés Cely Herazo

Lamborghini be like:
“Can we now be part of the holy trinity?”

11/19/2017 - 17:14 |
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11/20/2017 - 03:32 |
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