Lamborghini Sogna: The Ugliest Way To Blow £1.9m?

This quirky-looking one-off is based on a Countach, but pretty it certainly isn't!

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Probably the best thing about the Lamborghini Countach is the way it looks. It seems odd, then, that in the early 90s someone wanted to take this masterpiece of automotive design and replace the wildly futuristic body with another of their own design.

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That someone was Japanese designer Ryoji Yamazaki, and he showed off his creation at the 1991 Geneva motor show. Dubbed the Sogna (Italian for 'dreams'), it featured a hand-crafted aluminium body, hiding the unchanged 455bhp V12 running gear of the Countach. A limited production run was planned, but never happened.

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A working prototype did make an appearance at the 1994 Essen motor show, however, and it's now up for sale at James Edition. It's not exactly cheap though; you'll need to drop a hefty £1.9 million to bag it. That's quite a lot for something that looks this, erm, unique...

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The front isn't too bad, but the rear-end looks a mess. Those butt cheek-like haunches over the rear wheels aren't a good look, and the bulbous rear window is pretty unfortunate.

What do you think of this thing? Is it an inspired one-off, or does it need to be killed with fire?

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