This Mario Kart Player’s Last Lap Defeat Is Excruciating To Watch
We’ve all lost a Mario Kart race through a frustratingly-timed red shell or unsighted banana skin, but this Mario Kart 8 Deluxe player got hit by every item under the sun on the last lap…
Remember the legendary 'Get Mario Karted' video with Daisy getting destroyed on that bridge
— Nibel (@Nibellion) May 3, 2017
Time is a flat circle
When you’re leading a Mario Kart race, you know things can change quickly. But, that doesn’t make it any less annoying (or, if we’re honest, make us feel like we want to rage quit). So, you can imagine Twitch streamer PREYINGSHARK’s frustration at this agonising defeat on the last lap of a Mario Kart 8 Deluxe race.
Fittingly, the clip is titled “F** K THIS GAME” and it’s excruciating to watch, as innocent Daisy gets hit by item after item on the last lap. The player goes from first to nowhere in the space of just a few corners…
See the video on Twitch here.
Via Kotaku
Basically Alonso every race.
If his car would start…
If this happened to me, Nintendo would be in flames.
and that son is why im now in a mental institute
That’s why I don’t plat Kart Racers. Little to no skills involved, and metric f*ckton of BS.
Vroom vroom BOOM!