Meet The 97-Year-Old Who's Just Bought A Ford Mustang GT
Lennart is a former first-generation Mustang owner, and after seeing the new sixth-generation version, he just had to have one
None of us really want to think about getting old, but I think we’d all agree that we want to be like this guy if we’re lucky enough to live to 97. Lennart, we doff our caps to you.
End-life crisis?
When you realize it is not in English
At least he drives tons better than the idiots leaving car meets…
i get paid over £79.91 per hour working from home with 2 kids at home. I never thought I’d be able to do it but my best friend earns over £9185 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The potential with this is endless.M$3.
Heres what I’ve been doing,……>>>>>
Nissan 420sx
Imagine if he kills people while leaving a car meet .
I read the title as: 97-year old Mustang GT and I was like WTF?
And it’s manual!!!? This man is a freaking legend!! 0_0
Now that shows the real love for engine ✌🏻️