This Is The Most Spectacularly Moronic U-Turn We’ve Ever Seen

As if performing an illegal u-turn wasn't daft enough, this Ford Explorer driver did it from the inside lane, smashing into a car on the outside lane and sending into a terrifying roll in the process
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According to the video description, this utterly avoidable crash happened last week on Highway 27 near Toronto in Canada. The dashcam driver stopped to administer first aid to the guy in the rolled car, who - despite the high speed of the accident - suffered only minor injuries.

Video via Car Scoops

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The entitlement and selfishness of SUV driver’s never ceases to amaze me.

05/11/2016 - 18:11 |
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I was just on Hwy 27 last night at a meet O.o
pics from a friend, i havent offloaded my dslr yet

05/11/2016 - 18:30 |
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Rotaries are a drug

living in Toronto for 20 of my 21 years of life, i can confirm this as a norm, people will be the worst, never mind the cabbies just last week some people at the yonge and finch area nearly hit me while i was in the middle lane and they were pulling out…right in front of me, two weeks in a god damn row.

05/11/2016 - 19:20 |
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Highway 27 near Toronto. I talked to the cop that went to the call his only getting a careless driving ticket for that dumb move

05/11/2016 - 19:54 |
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Toronto… Why am I not surprised.

05/11/2016 - 19:58 |
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Hless 1

That’s my car :( better believe I’m coming out cursing my way over to pummel that pathetic excuse for a driver. There is no excuse for what that idiot did.

05/11/2016 - 20:37 |
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the guy flying by is at fault for not noticing that guy is in his lane before he even comes close to him.

05/11/2016 - 21:13 |
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Some people are just so incredibly stupid. Half of the drivers on the road should not have a license.

05/12/2016 - 00:22 |
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Anybody can identify the truck by its blinkah sound?

05/12/2016 - 00:31 |
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Volvo VNL. With a D13 engine and Volvo I-Shift Automatic transmission.

05/12/2016 - 19:57 |
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Can’t do Saudi-style U-turns in Canada bro.

05/12/2016 - 01:20 |
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