Mountune Has Been Saved – And It’s Targeting BEV Power

The future of tuner and performance engineering expert Mountune is back on track thanks to the firm’s original founder, who has led a buy-back of the stricken firm – and has big BEV plans
Mountune Has Been Saved – And It’s Targeting BEV Power

Ford tuning supremo Mountune has been saved from a financial quagmire by its founder David Mountain, following the involvement of administrators earlier this year.

Backed by a group of investors, Mountain has bought the company back from its previous owners and it’s once again a wholly UK-based operation. There are now big plans for the future of the business, says the new/old boss.

Mountune Has Been Saved – And It’s Targeting BEV Power

Ironically, the success of Mountune’s Ford-based tweakery, which had also spawned a tempting VW-focused sibling, had eventually come to prevent the more lucrative side of the business – supplying race-ready parts and engines – from making enough money. The impact of that virus thing was the last – and biggest – nail in the coffin, putting race series on hold across the world and cutting off a vital income stream.

Now, though, the balance will be restored, says Mountain. “It’s widely recognised that the success of the road-car group, predominantly, led to a situation where the demand was outstripping the previous business’s ability to supply and support our customers,” he said. “Covid-19 simply served to compound the problem further.”

Mountune Has Been Saved – And It’s Targeting BEV Power

In a press release he stated his intention to “get back to supplying and supporting our customers and dealers properly” and move towards new, more forward-thinking powertrains as well. In time there will be a “clean, ultra-high performance electric powertrain” on the table, built for racing and road use – presumably in different build tunes.

The Ford/VW tuning won’t fall by the wayside, though, and we’re glad to hear it. Mountain stresses that his priority is “making power” for both race teams and road car customers. It’s going to take a few months for the company’s new management to get the business straight and start releasing new products, but we look forward to seeing what’s in store.

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Myrmeko (#CTSquad)

Finally, an EV tuner.
Too much of these software restricted EVs.

10/19/2020 - 07:40 |
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“Forward thinking powertrains” now thats a bunch of hot air pr, as if a drivetrain could represent a filosophy or mentality, it’s ironic that the pro-all-electric-future demografic tries to self portray itself as saints and saviours when kicking any opposition into the obscurity, does anybody around here knows about bmw’s 12.5 million dollar investment into co2 made gasoline, or repsol’s plans to create factories for that same product in 2024? Did anybody heard about the two ICE protopypes published just a month and a half ago that JUST DON’T POLLUTE?, yes internal combustion engines with EV emmissions, and like those, many more like those are popping from time to time but they barely get any attention, those are not just roumors, many come from well known and trustworthy sources like the universitys of cambridge, or illinois, those non polluting ICEs have been published and created by the Polytechnic University of Valencia, one of Spain’s best. I don’t have anything against businesess trying to adapt and introduce themselves in new markets but that kind of “ecowarrior” treehugging hippy” attitude feels dishonest and worst of all it feeds the ego of a community that considers itself progresist but it is one of the most discriminative, elitist, narrowminded, and hypocritical that car culture has ever seen. They constantly gloat about how much ahead they are but when their “rivals” show anything new they quickly shunt it down as if it was bs. Oh how much do the EV guys love the phrase “that is impossible, it will never develop into anything usefull” but how quickly or hypocritically forget that that exact phrase was used against them 5 or 7 years ago… and look where we are now… How quickly we forget don’t we?… or maybe willingly… Sorry if this seems an out of context rant but this “forward thinking attitude” some people claim to have really pisses me off, because that same people often talk about future by perpetualizing current problems and conditions and don’t give their opposition any credit or consideration of improvement, which is very retrograde on their side. The ammount of hypocrisy and disinformation really saddens me, cause those two are the bases where distopias are founded… All green and no peace.

10/20/2020 - 18:52 |
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