Is This The Nicest Way To Steal A Car?

Cars do and will continue to get stolen. Fact. But violence in doing so is not the answer...
Car thief attaches cans to fool the car's owner Car thief attaches cans to fool the car's owner

Violent car jackings, house break ins, smashed windows, broken steering locks and bent doors - this is the reality of what can happen when a criminal decides that he likes your car more than he likes his own.

But this CCTV surveillance footage proves that not all thieves use violence to get what they want. Some thieves possess fox-like cunning.

As the owner steps out to see what's what, this thief slides into the driver's seat As the owner steps out to see what's what, this thief slides into the driver's seat

Watch the grainy footage below where this thief ties three empty cans to the rear of his target car. As the lady owner steps into her car to drive away, the cans alert her attention. As she steps out to survey the problem, our thief slides into the driver's seat and makes off with his new ride. The owner never saw it coming...

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