No Humans Were Harmed In The Making Of This Mustang Car Meet Crash
You know the drill: Ford Mustang leaves cars and coffee event, then flies off the road while showboating. At least no one was hit this time...
Death and taxes - they say - are the only certain things in life. But I’m beginning to wonder if a Ford Mustang crashing at a cars and coffee event needs to be added as the third item on this list.
Case in point? This cars and coffee meet in Wichita last Saturday. OK, so it’s perhaps not quite a crash, but it’s the same setup we’ve seen so many times before: a Mustang driver (in this case driving a Roush’d example) tries to light the rear tyres while leaving, gets it all wrong, and ends up unintentionally going off road. At the very least, no people were hit this time.
We can only hope this madness stops soon. But in the meantime, follow our expert advice if you don’t want to become a victim…
Via Jalopnik
If a mustang crashes into a crowd, does it make a sound? No, but the memes sure as hell do
[Insert Mustang Meme Here]
As long as it’s not my Mustang, I’ll laugh at these all day!
another mustang crush?
Without considering the crash has anyone noticed how good that Mustang sounds?
Car meet crash
The Circle of Crashes, Hakuna Mustangta