Now's Your Chance To Buy The First Ford GT Prototype, Even If It Only Does 5mph

Practically new in all the important ways, this historic Ford GT prototype would definitely have been on our Christmas lists, even though it only does 5mph!
Now's Your Chance To Buy The First Ford GT Prototype, Even If It Only Does 5mph

Fancy owning the very first fully complete Ford GT prototype? You’re not alone, but there’s a catch. Quite a big one, as it happens.

The Ford GT CP-1, short for Confirmation Prototype One, was the first fully-functional GT built, including the interior and drivetrain. It’s also signed by 13 members of the design team, including Carroll Shelby, Bill Ford and Fred Goodnow.

Now's Your Chance To Buy The First Ford GT Prototype, Even If It Only Does 5mph

Much want is happening, right? Unfortunately, as a prototype it’s not road legal, and even worse is the fact that its top speed is limited to 5mph. That’s not a typo; it’s not meant to be 50mph. It’s 5mph.

It actually went up for auction earlier in 2016, but failed to meet its reserve. We suspect the walking pace top speed might have had something to do with it.

Now's Your Chance To Buy The First Ford GT Prototype, Even If It Only Does 5mph

There’s also a minor caveat about Ford still having a degree of sway over the car. The buyer would have been expected to sign an agreement with Ford over what they could and couldn’t do with it, and even to whom they could sell it on to. Seems like Ford is doing a Ferrari over this one, getting somewhat possessive over it.

Now's Your Chance To Buy The First Ford GT Prototype, Even If It Only Does 5mph

Sounds like a load of hassle to us, but there’s still that guy in the back of our minds that would still want to buy it, take that ridiculous speed limiter off and head straight to a drag strip. With the car on a trailer, obviously, officer.

Source: Jalopnik

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Hey, you’ll be going slow, and will probably get hit, but at least you’ll look cool doing it.

12/30/2016 - 00:09 |
4 | 0
12/30/2016 - 01:30 |
5 | 1
TelAviv Druaboyea-White

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)


12/30/2016 - 04:14 |
3 | 2

God the interior looks ugly, and I know it’s a prototype but look at those panel gapes and misalignments….
If you can’t drive the car and it doesn’t even look as good as the production version, then what are you paying for? some signatures? no thanks.

12/30/2016 - 02:16 |
2 | 3

You would look good going slow

12/30/2016 - 02:42 |
3 | 0

James May’s dream car

12/30/2016 - 02:56 |
5 | 1

I can run faster

12/30/2016 - 05:25 |
1 | 1

a slow way to crash around a corner

12/30/2016 - 07:09 |
0 | 0

i’ll take one for the team. it just means it’ll take me a little longer to get to work

12/30/2016 - 07:21 |
0 | 0

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

This is still 5mph faster than any GT being sold today is going to be doing.

12/30/2016 - 16:21 |
1 | 0

Great article until…..head straight to a …..DRAGSTRIP?! You will own the first ever ford gt, the car that was made to beat ferrari back in the day, and you want to drive it for 400m straight line….thats….no words really…

12/30/2016 - 08:25 |
1 | 0

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)


12/31/2016 - 03:19 |
0 | 0
12/30/2016 - 10:28 |
3 | 0