NTSB Investigating After A Tesla Slammed Into Fire Engine At 65mph

Thankfully, no one was injured when the Model S hit a fire engine in Southern California

What you see above is the shocking aftermath of a Tesla Model S ploughing into the back of a fire engine on the Interstate 405 in Southern California. Despite the car hitting the engine - which was attending a motorcycle crash - at 65mph, Culver City Firefighters amazingly reported that all involved escaped injury.

It’s not known whether the car was in Autopilot mode at the time of the wreck on Tuesday, but the incident has caught the attention of the NTSB. The organisation posted on Twitter yesterday to state that it was dispatching two investigators “to conduct a field investigation.”

You might remember the NTSB having some strong words about Tesla’s Autopilot during the investigation of the Model S crash that claimed the life of Joshua D. Brown. Its report conceded that slowing down for the lorry Brown hit wasn’t something the Autopilot was designed for, but still criticised the system as it “allowed prolonged disengagement from the driving task and enabled the driver to use it in ways inconsistent with manufacturer guidance and warnings.”

When asked for comment by news agency Reuters, Tesla declined to comment on this latest investigation.

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Fire engine = unscathed

01/24/2018 - 15:08 |
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01/24/2018 - 15:33 |
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People saying it’s the autopilots fault need to sit back for a min and see what they actually come up with. Even if the autopilot did somehow mess up, why wasn’t the driver ready to grab the wheel and avoid or use his brakes if time permits. Even if he was only mildly paying attention a stopped fire truck with its lights on in the middle of the road would be hard to ignore. If it was autopilots fault, bet the driver was either asleep or had his face buried in his phone, either way still his fault not the cars.

01/24/2018 - 17:39 |
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Tesla brags about how safe its pricey cars are, but they don’t have automatic emergency braking, unlike cheap Toyotas.

01/24/2018 - 20:18 |
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Is it bad that seeing a Tesla completely destroyed brings me joy

01/24/2018 - 20:33 |
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Logan Harris (JDM Squad)(Fiero Squad)

One less Tesla on the road

01/24/2018 - 21:43 |
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South Korean Car

A machine is a machine, a human is a human, dosent matter how much effort we make, a car can’t take decisions such as human beings.
We are in a world where engineers are automatizng (or whatever u name it) everything
its fine under a controlled place, like a workplace or a factory, but the DANGER of conmuting everyday, and the UNCERTAINITY of driving everyday can’t be done by a machine
Kids playing on the streets, people looking at their phones, stuff you cant predict
Im not saying that cars shouldn’t be HELPED, ABS, ECS, TCS, CC, EPS, ESP, etc
Cars dont have critical thinking, either rational, they’re in no way like animals,machines just do stuff pre done, lets say : a truck is going the lane to go right, so he must STOP and i’ll GO (that’s what the car “thinks”
A person would just know how other people reacts
That being said, where i lived, once a mall invested so much into automate everything making it ultra fast and cool to buy stuff
3 weeks and the mall almost broke down, nobody wanted to buy into it, it was all robots and cold
so … what i think is that we’ll have cars that can be driven forever, with lane assitance, brake assitance, assited into everything
but not automated.
I am sure that G.M, Tesla, Volvo and everyone investing in this “ Auto Drive Stuff “ are just losing big chunks of money, and those at NVIDA And AMD and Intel making these sensors, mark my word
Also something i forgot, my phone its semi new and it crashes every then
im gaming and my pc/console crashes every then
why would i trust my car then tho, those that make the chips and program are basically the same …

01/24/2018 - 22:18 |
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Lol I love how big of a deal this all is because its a Tesla. Haters going to hate. Corporations will pick at the small guy forever. Like leave it alone. It was an accident. Move along like any other car. Sheesh

01/24/2018 - 22:57 |
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So people are already blaming the autopilot in place of themselves?

Get used to this kind of enabling though. Remember, it’s always someone else’s fault…

01/24/2018 - 23:50 |
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Laying on the road is always dangerous, so maybe we need to stay focused and careful in driving every day.

01/25/2018 - 03:05 |
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