The Outcome Of This DriveClub Vs Project Cars Wet Weather Showdown Might Shock You

In a console versus PC war, you'd expect a PC game to have the better graphics - especially when it comes to the stunning Project Cars - but PS4's DriveClub isn't lying down without a fight
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We’ve been jumping up and down praising Project Cars and its gorgeous graphics, but this intriguing comparison video proves it has a contender for the title of Most Beautiful Racing Game Ever. And it’s from an unlikely source: console gaming.

DriveClub had a tonne of issues when it was released, but its weather system not only adds an intriguing element to the gameplay, it looks simply incredible. I’d even go so far as to say that it’s actually prettier than Project Cars.

It’s a close run thing, though, so let’s put it to a vote. Putting aside your own console versus PC preferences, which game has the best looking weather effects?

Video spotted on Kotaku

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