Porsche May Eventually Stop Selling Cars To The Public

The German sports car maker’s finance and IT boss has suggested that the company already sees a time when its current direct sales model will be defunct
Porsche May Eventually Stop Selling Cars To The Public

Porsche may stop selling cars direct to the public altogether in the foreseeable future, according to its finance and IT boss.

In an interview with Autocar, Lutz Meschke said that while the move is still a long way away, there will likely come a time when you can’t simply walk into a dealer and buy a Porsche of your own.

Porsche May Eventually Stop Selling Cars To The Public

Hinting strongly that he considers the future to be difficult for the current (traditional) sales model, he said:

“Of course, we have to try to keep direct selling [cars] as long as possible, [but] cities want to reduce traffic, therefore we have to look for solutions which fit our brand.

“Today our customers are willing to buy two, three, four Porsches, but in future, maybe they will buy one or two and for mobility in cities, they will use other services. We have to think about business models that can balance these potential losses.

“If 60 per cent of people will live in major cities, then car sales in those cities will be reduced significantly. With our brand, we are limited. It will be a niche and we will not earn enough money to keep the profitability level at 15 per cent, and that’s the problem. “

Porsche May Eventually Stop Selling Cars To The Public

Meschke explained that the initial response to a changing sales landscape is its subscription service; a wildly expensive way to put a different Porsche on your driveway according to what kind of driving you’re doing on that day, week, month or year. The finance chief calls the initial Asian and European schemes a “good start” but they won’t grow quickly enough to balance the profits Porsche anticipates losing in sales figures over the next decade or two.

Further investments will be ploughed into what it sees as the right – by which it means cash-generating – urban mobility start-ups that also suit the Porsche brand. It will be fascinating to see the exact forms these take.

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Wrong. The left will have banned ALL motors, ICE or electric, and you’ll have nought reason for a “Subscription” service, which is really just another way of agreeing to letting another bloke borrow your motor and drive it anyway he fancies… sorta like renting out your wife or GF for the “day, week, month”. How daft is that premise…

10/21/2019 - 19:52 |
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Have you even driven an EV? Specifically a sports equipped ev? The torque is unreal, only one gear on most of them and even the OFFICIALfastest car in the world is electric hello Koenigsegg…. why is it that you’re so concerned? Is it between the lack or handbrake in any recent car? Older automobiles already have loopholes I’m sure those wont go away, plus the proliferation of EVs (something we are at least a decade from anyways) will.lower the cost of ICE vehicles and become a hobby activity which means more racing and more options to hsve fun without risking the daily and cheaper rides.

Yeah about this…. the left doesnt want to get rid of your cars…. they want to prevent the world from exploding and the environment from killing all of us. Society as a whole ie essentially committing unaware suicide day by day. The right is just too stupid to see we need to.make.changes and science exists proving climate.change and ozone damage IS A REAL.THING. REPEAT WITH ME TRUMPTARDS. ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE IS VERY REAL AND APPEALING THE EPA AND GETTING RID OF SUPPORT. FOR MEASURES LIKE CALIFORNIA’S GUIDELINES FOR EMISSIONS IS STUPID, SHORTSIGHTED AND AIMED AT THE ORANGE ONES SHORTSIGHTED POLICIES IN GENERAL THST ARE RUINING OR COUNTRY IN THE NAME OF THE PRESIDENTS BUSINESS INTERESTS.

10/23/2019 - 08:34 |
4 | 2

You’ve completely lost any basis of logic orncommon sense

If anything long term we will move to.hydrogen fuel cells or something similar like the AL-Air or LI-Air battery cells. Which will STILL power a…… wait for it….. wait for it……. wait…….

For …….


……..a motor….

Wow crazy motors wont be doing anything other than increasing efficiency and/or fuel sources to something less harmful something I think we can all agree is a betterlooking long term plan smd even youre logic less ass should be able to figure that out

10/23/2019 - 08:44 |
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And further comparing youre wife to an object makes you look like an ignorant joke of a person that claims to be a man. Joking or not there Is usually truth to jokes in one 2ay or another and my guess is the you envisioning women as properly…. just like your hero cult leader trump and most or the right….. is where the very limited truth is in this “fake news”

Comparing a car leass to slavery is ridiculous

10/23/2019 - 08:51 |
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White Comet

it’s very sad but that day will come. A dozen of my co-workers don’t even have a driver license. Living in the cities, they don’t even need a car to get around. most millennials don’t give a sh!t about cars. They only care what the next iPhone is going to be.

10/23/2019 - 19:55 |
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This this dude run KMART? Hey seven watt light bulb you go right ahead and kill off your dealers. I’ll see in the upcoming book DeLorean, dolts, Vector and bad ideas! I’m sure Ferrari and Mercedes will love to see you make that stupid decision. When the only people that will be able to drive your car in the cities will be the rich people that buy your cars.

10/23/2019 - 21:16 |
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