Project Cars 2’s 4K Gamescom Trailer Is An Absolute Stunner
Project Cars 2 is gearing up for Gamescom with a brand-new, 4K trailer that showcases the game’s beautiful visuals, improved variety of automotive brands and impressive range of disciplines
Slightly Mad Studios is getting us seriously excited for the release of Project Cars 2 with a special, 4K trailer ahead of Gamescom in Germany – which takes place from the 22-26 August, and will feature a major presence from the game.
The up-coming racing title looks incredibly impressive, not only visually but also because of the healthy number of brands, cars, disciplines and series too (including new additions such as IndyCar and rallycross).
A few of those are on show in the trailer, alongside some of the amazingly-detailed tracks (which take many months to create, as we recently found out). PC2 is released worldwide for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC on the 22 September.
That looks bloody fantastic
Forza is like Apple. They do the same thing every phone and nothing spectacularly different, but you still buy it every time because its good. And than Project Cars is like Samsung. They started this game much later than the Forza franchise yet they have 20 more tracks, at least a few more racing types and its the one you actually want to buy.
Then you clearly haven’t played Forza 5 back to back with Forza 6 xD
Implying Forza is nicer to play?
The only thing that keeps me buying Forza is the paint and vinyl editor. If project cars had it I would genuenly say bye to Forza
Not buying either then.
Waiting for Sony to join the game.
Or Nokia.
Or Motorola
Maybe Siemens too.
Yeah if PC1 is the S4. A buggy POs that you want to hurl against the nearest wall. Let’s hope 2 delivers.
All this awesome games that my crap pc can’t support 😢😢
dont get me wrong I am quite the forza fan myself but the fact that turn10 keep insisting that simple rain or night time on SOME tracks is an amazing piece of technology gets me a little mad. And here you have SlightlyMad doing ALL weather ANY time of day on ANY track is an actual thing to be amazed about. C’mon Turn10 actually bring a proper improvement to Forza, 700 cars is great but the game is still lacking considerably.
It take time making 4k games man
They shouldn’t brag about rain, but they don’t have all weathers at any time because they want a stable rock solid 60fps
PC1 was good, - looked great, good range of cars, some amazing tracks. This looks even better. BUT - the first game didn’t FEEL great. It felt sort of floaty and disconnected - nowhere near the raw, precise feeling I got from iRacing. If PC2 could get near that iRacing rawness and excitement, then it would be the perfect package. IMO.
the physics… so horrible :(
Renaming the game to Project Glitch 2 would be more acurate you know?
Trailer looks epic but some gameplay videos look terrible! LaFerrari at the ‘ring anyone?
I have no clue if i should withdraw my fm7 deposit for pc2
I wouldn’t.
I would, I’m considering it myself.
This isnt really helping guys
I pray to god that the AI has improved, otherwise I’m hyped!
Omg! I’ve been going back and playing. Starting from the back st Oulton! Arrrrrg!