£3m Lambo Aventador Crashes And Burns In Taiwan
When showing off to his porn star passenger, this businessman's £3m Aventador crashed and burned

Not content with one fire-stricken exotic today, here's another supercar whose life was prematurely ended in flames.

The Aventador's businessman owner - Ye Maohong - was driving the car (uninsured) at the time of the crash. He lost control of the Lambo, mounted the pavement and span out as you'll see in the rather excellent video animation below.

The supercar then caught fire, sending around £3,000,000 (at today's exchange rate) up in smoke. Maohong and his porn star passenger Peng Xuanrong were largely unharmed, although Xuanrong suffered a fractured hand and sprained neck (probably not good for business...).

Hat tip to Giovanni!
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