Release Dates For Fast & Furious 9 And 10 Are Here Courtesy Of Vin Diesel
Vin Diesel confirmed a 10 film 'saga' for F&F on his Instagram account, with the ninth and tenth films arriving in 2019 and 2021 respectively

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The question of just how long the Fast and Furious series will continue has finally been answered. This morning Vin Diesel confirmed on his Instagram account that the franchise will become a 10 film ‘saga’, with the ninth and tenth instalments slated for release on 19 April 2019 and 2 April 2021 respectively.
The release date for Fast 8 - 14 April 2017 - was announced some time ago, and filming is due to begin this June. It’ll be directed by Straight Outta Compton director F. Gary Gray, and filmed in Cuba and Iceland.
Last month it was revealed that the production crew would be behind Iceland’s “largest explosion ever” for one of the movie’s scenes. The presence of a spectacularly long runway has not yet been confirmed.
Lets pick the two must random and unrelated countries we can think of to film in! Let’s see how about Cuba and Iceland!
North Korea.
The tenth one will release on my birthday - awesome!
Nope sorry. Not even going to bother trying to watch them The last one i watched was the “4th” one and that was pushing it a little bit but this has gone beyong ruined. Ill stick to the first and second one i think.
Hopefully the newer movies will really be about cars again and not unrealistic action movies like number 7.
They said Iceland’s biggest explosion. You think it’s gonna be about cars? RIP F&F 2001-2004
I bet there won’t even be cars with the direction they have been heading. It’ll be F&F10: Riddick Begins
I’ve read somewhere in an interview by Michelle Rodriguez (& Vin Diesel if I remember right), that the 8th movie will be something new, and will be more car racing/street racing oriented, and the reason of it, is that Paul Walker was already kinda sick of all that crazy explosions, heists, and blue screen scenes etc… It was his wish, to return back to the roots, like it was back then!
So the 7th movie was for Paul, and the 8th movie will be BY Paul… ;)
Here we go again, like the good old days…
These movies are not for you car people! It’s for the Michael Bay fans who wish for more nonsense and CGI stunts! Ofcourse there will be a car in it somewhere, maybe two, so you car guys also shell out your cash, we can’t miss out on you! (c) FnF team
vin wants the amount of movies to equal the amount of gears in his car.
I like my film series like my runways. Absurdly long to the point where it gets ridiculous.
At least it’s not equal to the amount of miles from that runway.
I asked Vin Diesel if he would like Diskloks for the F&F cars, but he said no. I just thought that since they’re always racing off to exotic areas it was better safe than sorry. It’s like 10 seconds extra time to take it off before they speed off from the bad guys, don’t see the problem myself.
Aw, poor Disklock :(
The taglines maybe
Furious 11: …They Didn’t Send Help!
Someone said largest explosion ever?
They should let Jeremy Clarkson be the director of F&F 8, 9 and 10
I enjoyed 7 and am excited for more. I love the car based explosive f*ckery the movies are now. If I want street racing, I got YouTube.
Yes I enjoyed all of them, also the last crazy ones! but I’ve read somewhere in an interview by Michelle Rodriguez (& Vin Diesel if I remember right), that the 8th movie will be something new, and will be more car racing/street racing oriented, and the reason of it, is that Paul Walker was already kinda sick of all that crazy explosions, heists, and blue screen scenes etc… It was his wish, to return back to the roots, like it was back then!
So the 7th movie was for Paul, and the 8th movie will be BY Paul… ;)
Am i the only one here that wants the saga to end at 7?