Renault And Nissan Might Merge To Make One Company

The two brands - part of an alliance since 1999 - are reportedly in talks to merge and form a new company
Renault And Nissan Might Merge To Make One Company

Renault and Nissan might be looking to take on the colossus that is VW Group in a deal of epic proportions. According to Bloomberg, the two companies are in discussions regarding a possible merger, taking the Renault-Nissan Alliance - which was formed in 1999 - to the next level.

Renault has a 43 per cent stake in Nissan, while the Japanese company owns 15 per cent of its French partner. The two already share engines and platforms, but the rumoured proposals would see a new company formed. Presumably, the two separate brands would remain, operating under a single parent company.

Mitsubishi was brought into the alliance in 2017, a year after Nissan purchased a controlling stake in the fellow Japanese brand
Mitsubishi was brought into the alliance in 2017, a year after Nissan purchased a controlling…

However, a merger - said to have been discussed for several months now - is far from certain. Even if the companies decide to go ahead with a deal, there are potential stumbling blocks, Bloomberg’s unnamed insider sources claim, such as the French government owning a 15 per cent stake in Renault.

A spokesperson for the alliance “said the group doesn’t comment on rumors and speculation,” Bloomberg reports.

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Erich Mohrmann

Nononononono, don’t take my nissan badges

03/30/2018 - 09:12 |
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Ben Anderson 1

I’ve known about this for a while (the joys of family that work for the company). What is happening is that both Renault and Nissan are in a cross share agreement. Nissan own shares in Renault and vice-versa. That’s how the alliance works.

The French Government owns a stake in Renault. Nissan will be buying that from the Government so they will have full control of Renault. Renault is a money black hole so Nissan will be the one in charge as it yanks Renault out of its rampant money burning.

03/30/2018 - 10:17 |
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At first they messed up themselves and then Dacia and now Nissan? STOP THIS OUTRAGE

03/30/2018 - 11:22 |
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nononononononononoonononononononononononononoononoononononononononononononoonononononononononononononoononoononoononoonononononononoono… No

03/30/2018 - 12:10 |
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03/30/2018 - 14:57 |
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Will they be renamed as Ratsun?

……. i’ll get my coat

03/30/2018 - 19:21 |
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03/30/2018 - 21:59 |
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There is no way they will ever merge. Nissan has a significantly better brand image than Renault and Renault would never let that potential go to waste with a merger. The cash cow that is Nissan is way too valuable for Renault to sacrifice its distinguishable brand image in the course of a merger, and Renault knows that. It’s not worth the risk.

03/30/2018 - 22:42 |
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Hey,if this means that America gets the Megane R.S, than this is good.

03/31/2018 - 01:12 |
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