This Senile Taiwanese Driver Takes Leave Of His Senses At A Set Of Traffic Lights

Waiting at an intersection is enough to send this driver loopy
Impatiently waiting for the green light Impatiently waiting for the green light

Waiting in traffic sometimes does strange things to people, which is why this driver in Taiwan appears to lose control of his senses when the green light finally beckons him. Jumping forward, the Nissan suddenly hits the brakes and is slammed into reverse. Our camera car's driver punches the horn in a futile attempt to stop his ride's impromptu makeover.

Going forwards is so overrated... Going forwards is so overrated...

Damage done, our seemingly senile driver finds first gear and lurches forwards into the intersection. As screeching tyres are heard, our man and his wife are left utterly perplexed at the scene. Skip to 1:50 for the action.


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