This Snowy Traffic Jam Went To Hell Seriously Quickly
When several cars start to slide toward this traffic jam in Canada, it's clear things are about to go south...
Highway 401 in Ontario, Canada was the scene of a huge pile-up this week, and the whole thing was caught on camera.
When the first sliding car at the 1min 30sec mark comes into view it’s clear where proceedings are headed, but the speed at which things go wrong - accelerated by the appearance of an out of control truck - is pretty shocking to watch.
Thankfully no one was fatally injured in the wreck, but according to CBC News several people were taken to hospital.
You can’t help but wonder if it might have been avoided if people were using their hazard lights…
vertical video syndrome
This thing is not useless and can prevent that kind of crashes.
No one had their lights on, what the fish??
I love vertical videos
when even highly professional lorry drivers are in a crash, you know something’s gone horribly wrong.
I urge you to share this to any unenlightened drivers you may know, or if you may catch yourself doing this.
When you brake and slow down a car that is behind you will most likely not telepathically know how much you are braking exactly, so when you use your brakes on say a highway the person behind you will press them even more.
Now if the traffic is heavy, that effect will build up until you simply touching you brake pedal to lose a couple miles per hour will eventually cause a traffic jam if traffic is bad enough, in bad conditions this can be bad as seen in video above.
Now also consider that effect when you are coming up to a obstacle, if you wait until as late as possible to brake and the person behind you isn’t watch the road ahead of you, they won’t be able to stop in time causing a accident as seen above.
Keep this in mind as some of you heavy/late breakers out there wonder why someone rear ended you, as you rape their insurance.
Well your screwed..