The Solution To Traffic Is Simple, But I Guarantee You'll Hate It

Traffic is unavoidable due to many factors out of our control - people who drive too fast, people who drive too slowly, BMW drivers... - but there is one simple solution to end all solutions. You're not going to like it though
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I’m always trying to do this method as described here. Problem is that almost nobody keeps a good distance behind me when I’m rolling towards a jam and try to keep a good distance to the car in front^^

09/01/2016 - 17:41 |
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Joseph Roy

I normally really enjoy CGPGrey’ videos but i really disagree with this one….

09/01/2016 - 18:12 |
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It’d be better to motorize the road near the intersection so that it can automatically push a certain number of people out before the signal goes red again…

09/01/2016 - 19:25 |
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I feel like people are forgetting that we use trucks and large vehicles to tow stuff. How do you set up an autonomous vehicle to tow a trailer? Or back it into a garage? Or down a boat ramp far enough without submerging itself? Semi-autonomous is much more likely than completely autonomous. Too much to incorporate into a computer to expect it to be capable of taking over our jobs in the near future

09/01/2016 - 19:30 |
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Nick danca

Yeah no

09/01/2016 - 19:52 |
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Jordan 5

All I have to say about autonomous cars is that I’m not paying insurance for a car I have no direct input into. And many governments can’t afford to lose those millions of dollars in insurance .

09/01/2016 - 21:23 |
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Mad BMW drivers incoming

09/01/2016 - 23:36 |
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The Solution To Traffic Is Simple, But I Guarantee You'll Hate It

Say a child runs out in front of the car and the car can either swerve off the road and kill you or run over the kid what does it do? Autonomous cars won’t be a thing until at least 20 years down the road

09/02/2016 - 03:22 |
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The Solution To Traffic Is Simple, But I Guarantee You'll Hate It

I dont want self driving cars. What If I post a government critical comment online and woops next day my autonomous car has an accident in which I die. awesome. Oh and woops russian hackers.. (we all know they are everywhere) suddenly make entire nations starve to death because they shut down all the autonomous vehicles including all the trucks, ships and planes which transport our food, so we all die miserably. I dont think it really can be made safe from hacking. even the NSA themselves have been hacked. come on. Will you even have your own car.? maybe they´ll force everyone to share, nightmare. takes away everything which is good about cars. OH and btw. yea you will pay for parking everywhere EVERYTIME because IT your traitor car will not let you park false and it would be so easy to charge for it so every spot except exceptions would charge. have fun with your ueber expensive future cars where freedom is none

09/02/2016 - 18:10 |
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Actually I think the REAAAL problem arent the drivers but the condition of the roads. So far 85,4% of all very long traffic jams on highways or anywhere else have been caused by construction sites. most of which werent being build on at the time. see construction should be ongoing 24/7 on highways but it isnt. there should be maximum workers and machinery working max speed but they arent. instead you see 10-20 guys and a few machines working on one veryyy large 10km stretch where 2 out of 3 lanes are closed and they work there for around what seems to be 10-15 years before they finish. every day theres a 3 hour traffic jam on those 10km. they dont care. actually on my last trip of 800km on the autobahn I was in traffic jams around 4,5 hours in total with 1,5hours spend on a 6-7km long construction site. the rest was a mix of construction sites and just too many cars for such conditions.

09/02/2016 - 18:24 |
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I’d rather be in traffic than be in a soulless pile of plastic that drives itself. You’re not taking driving away from me. Ever. And I mean that as in “You’ll never catch me, copper!”

09/02/2016 - 19:53 |
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