Is A Supercharged Mazda MX-5 Better Than One With A Turbo?
In a new series, the Mighty Car Mods boys are putting two NB MX-5s head-to-head to answer an age old question: what's the best kind of forced induction?
For an MCM head-to-head of a different flavour, check out what happened when Moog and Marty took each other on using a 180SX and the legendary ‘2Sexy’ Lancer.
In turbo we trust!
In trust we turbo!
We thrust in turbo!
Oh god
Well we already know supercharger will win just look what happened to Phil.
Either way turbocharging your Miata would cause issues..
AlexKersten my condolences.
It’s been a long day without you, my friend
And I’ll tell you all about it when I see you again
We’ve come a long way from where we began
Oh, I’ll tell you all about it when I see you again
When I see you again…
You can always trust MCM to bring out top quality content!
An MX-5… but will… it… fit…
Honestly, I think forced induction for an mx-5 is kinda… wrong
I’d much rather invest into suspension modifications, better tyres and lightweight rims, better and lighter brakes, improving body stiffness, better air filters/oil filters, exhaust system etc etc, but not turbo or superchargers, no
To be fair, they’ve done all those things as well
supercharging rules. basically no reduction in throttle response and no lag. Also, you dont have that noise of the turbo spooling ( i personally hate that noise).
I only find it annoying on the highway when your behind a truck going up a long grade and all you can hear is the ear splitting sound of its turbo fully spooled.
The well-known sound comes from an open wastegate system.
If you install a closed system (which is better for the engine on the long run, too) you don’t/hardly get that noise.
The turbo spool/whoosh sound is one of the greatest things about turbos!
Well, last time I heard of a turbo MX-5, it was dead