Ten Seriously Cool Car Names

Worried about rubbish (car) names taking over, like Adam, Cascada, and Mokka (woah, Vauxhall, much)? Take heart from the coolest sounding badges ever

10. Maserati Quattroporte

How can something so functional sound so exotic? 'Four doors' is hardly an imaginative sort of name. Mind you, neither is GranTurismo or GranCabrio, but you wouldn't kick any of them out your garage.

9. Ferrari Enzo

Naming your car after the company's founder takes balls. Doing it when you're the world's most famous supercar maker is crazy, unless you're damn sure the end product will be a blinder. A carbon skeleton, 650bhp V12 heart and all Fezza's greatest F1 tech know-how from 2002 make this legendary modern supercar worthy of Enzo's name.

8. Lotus Exige

Decent made-up car names, as opposed to using real nouns, are few and far between. 'Exige' sounds like a cross between 'elite' and, 'succeed'... which, if it'd been thought up as a team name on The Apprentice, would've been crap. Perfect for a hardcore Elise, though.

7. Lambo Murcielago

This just has to get a mention for the sheer joy of saying it. Roll all nine syllables of 'LAM-BOR-GEE-NEE-MUR-SEA-AL-AR-GO around your mouth and you're practically speaking Italian and Spanish at once. Ispalian, anyone?

6. Chevy Corvette

A ‘Corvette’ used to be the name given to super-fast navy warships that'd storm into fights when their big guys were in trouble and blow sh*t up. Now it's become redefined as America's enduring sports car. We all like a quality nickname too, and 'Vette' is a good'un.

5. Aston Martin Vanquish

We know Aston is a cool brand, but forget that for a sec. 'Vanquish' is a great arrogant choice of car name. It's not to beat or to overcome, it's to smash your opponent to pieces despite all the odds. You'd hope it was a pretty tasty bit of kit, in that case. Just hope you don't pull up next to a Ferrari F12 while driving one, or you'll end up looking like a Vanqer.

4. Rolls-Royce Phantom

For a car as unsubtle and enormous as this, naming it after something silent and ghostly is cheeky. It sounds cool though, and piles on even more 'you would not mess' factor to the most sneering and yet still coolest car on Earth.

3. Nearly all modern TVRs

Okay, the T350C let the side down. The side that included Tamora, Cerbera, Chimaera, Sagaris, and Tuscan. Perfect fits for the savage looking, sounding, driving machines we miss today. RIP TVR.

2. All muscle cars

Firebird. Hornet. (Like A)  Boss Mustang. Charger. Roadrunner. Judge. Challenger. Hemi Cuda. Need we really say any more?

1. Jensen Interceptor

Things called Jensen tend to be pretty quick anyway, even if last week's Brazilian GP winner spells it differently. But saying 'I'm on my way in the Interceptor' elevates journeys to an impossibly cool status. If you haven't already, just try saying it out loud. See what we mean?

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