Thank you to everyone who donated towards #SavePhil!
As the title says, a huge thank you is in order for everyone who donated towards the SavePhil campaign. Without you awesome lot, none of this would have been possible and we wouldn’t be able to now donate this fairly hefty amount of money to the Make-A-Wish foundation!

As the title says, a huge thank you is in order for everyone who donated towards the SavePhil campaign. Without you awesome lot, none of this would have been possible and we wouldn’t be able to now donate this fairly hefty amount of money to the Make-A-Wish foundation!
How much was raised and what happens now?

Well thanks to all you awesome CTzens who donated money, Boosted Boris for letting us camp behind Ring Garage for free, Nick from Skuzzle for lending us his truck and trailer, and Euro Tunnel Le Shuttle for waiving the fees for both vehicles (Ours, and the 4x4 with trailer), just over £5,000 will be going to charity (that’s after Indigogo has taken 10% etc.).
As for what happens next - well, we go and get Phil. In a few weeks, we’ll be setting off from the UK, and travel to Ring Garage, where we’ll pick up Phil, and plonk him on the trailer. Then we’ll be spending the night eating BBQ food, and camping behind Ring Garage with some other awesome CTzens, and Mr. Boosted Boris, before setting off again the next day, to return triumphantly with little Philip.
When will my stickers/goodies arrive?

Don’t worry, this is all already starting to be sorted! Today the lads at CT put the order in for all the stickers and other goodies, so they’ll be arriving with them shortly. Nico has also passed on everyone’s details to Maddi at CT, who has the task of sending everything out. Please do not worry if your items take a while to get to you, the guys at CT work incredibly hard (seriously, when me and Nico first spoke to Alex, we thought all he did was sit around and make the place look good - how wrong we were) and there is a boat load of stuff to be sorted through and sent out, so please be patient.
I didn't get a chance to donate! What can I do?

Sadly this campaign has ended, so you’d be unable to put money towards it, but fear not! We’re (Nico and I) thinking of trying to organize other CT related charity events also, from cruises, to meets, and maybe even karting events. So if you missed out this time, don’t worry, there should be plenty of other opportunities, to do something amazing with us! You can of course, still donate to the Make A Wish Foundation yourself!
Good job to you too mate!:)
Cheers bro
charity karting events with CT!!!
gone to polish his helmet
We’re thinking of hosting it at Daytona Sandown Park as not only do we live nearby, but we both used to work there! Story of how we first met. A’wwww.
Maybe something in the Netherlands, we’re often overlooked :p Then again, who doesn’t want cool stuff to happen in their home country?
We are actually planning on organising a European rally, does that count?
Actually what happended to Phil?
Here’s the original story:
Phil is safe! Now we can finally sleep at night!
Not yet! We still need to get him back from ze Germans!
Alex and Phil still a better lovestory than Titanic, Twilight and The Notebook combined ! (I actually had to google “famous romantic movies for this 😆😂)
Is this the same guy? “after the Gym”?
If it’s true, then the bigger the muscles get, the smaller the car gets ;)
How can people from CT tell who donated? I know I did but how can CT tell?
Nico and I are able to see everyone’s details (Address, and how much they donated, not card details or anything like that). We then passed than info onto CarThrottle, so they know who paid what amount, and where the items are to be sent to :)
cheers in german
what killed phill
In one word: Alex 😂
Ghetto build did.