Top 10 Insanely Popular Car Memes As Voted For By You

We've trawled the Car Memes archives to bring you the memes that you lot loved the most


Lunchtimes at CT Towers are usually spent doing one of four things: 1) arguing which one of us has the more favourable Twitter follower to following ratio 2) discussing how CT founder Adnan can transform his slender physique into something more befitting a man 3) arguing whose turn it is to get the Yum Yums in 4) sitting in silence (post argument) to cheer ourselves up with hilarious car memes.

If these scenarios sound vaguely familiar and you too are after a quick lol fix (or even if you're sitting in your pants pretending to revise), then here is a run down of the 10 most popular memes as found on our Facebook page:

1. Did you know?


2. Front-wheel drive


3. Skyline dinner


4. Need For Speed FTW

Need for speed

5. Eleanor


6. Troubled Scooby


7. Social stereotypes


8. Too soon, junior


9. True love

True love

10. True happiness

True hapiness

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