The Trials And Tribulations Of Being A Rally Fan In America

I’m American, and I love rally. There are others like me, but we’re strangers in a strange land watching superhuman drivers that never get the glory
The Trials And Tribulations Of Being A Rally Fan In America

I’d just left Garland Resort outside the quiet Northern Michigan town of Lewiston. It was the end of January 2010, about 8.30pm, and the car’s climate control was telling me the outside temperature was negative 23 degrees… Fahrenheit. I went to high school not far from Lewiston so I knew it was probably at least that cold, if not colder. Considering the night stages in the forthcoming Rally America Sno-Drift could run that late, this was shaping up to be the coldest event I’d ever attended.

That’s not the trials and tribulations part. Braving the elements is just part of what makes rally fans the best motorsport fans in the world.

The Trials And Tribulations Of Being A Rally Fan In America

I was at Garland for an awkward media-only dinner with Ken Block and his new Ford Fiesta rally team. By awkward I mean there were only a few other journalists there, and they knew Block primarily through his Gymkhana YouTube videos, of which two had been produced at that point. Here’s where the trials and tribulations come in, because I’m sitting at a table with an accomplished rally driver, his team, and fellow journalists I thought would be my comrades in arms. But when Block talked about the Mk2 Escort he’d recently bought, they all had terribly confused looks on their faces. You bought a pitiful 70bhp front-wheel drive Escort? They assumed he meant an American Escort. They didn’t know the first thing about rally.

Such is the life of a rally fan in America.

The Trials And Tribulations Of Being A Rally Fan In America

The World Rally Championship doesn’t visit the United States. From what I understand, the traffic laws and a general lack of fan support are the reasons, and frankly, they’re good reasons. What we do have is Rally America, which bought the series from the Sports Car Club of America in 2004. It’s not quite the same calibre as WRC, but considering rally racing in this country is virtually unheard of, the people who are racing are in it solely for the thrill and passion. And they’re damn good; too good to be risking their lives for absolutely no glory.

The Trials And Tribulations Of Being A Rally Fan In America

Not even motocross/Nitro Circus star Travis Pastrana, or Gymkhana connoisseur Ken Block get the rally glory, and they’re arguably the most popular drivers to race in the series. There’s certainly been no glory in this country for the current Rally America champion David Higgins, who’s actually won the series for the last five years and recently drove an STi adorned with Colin McRae’s former racing scheme at Wales Rally GB last month.

The Trials And Tribulations Of Being A Rally Fan In America

And there was no glory in this country for British rally driver Mark Lovell, who mastered a Group B RS200 to take the British Rally Championship in 1986 and ultimately came to America for the SCCA Rally Series. I saw him at the Sno-Drift in 2001, the year he took the championship. He won Pikes Peak in 2003, then tragically died a couple of weeks later with his co-driver Roger Freeman at the Oregon Trail Rally. American news outlets talked about NASCAR drivers getting into arguments in the pits, but Lovell’s tragedy went unnoticed. Perhaps this article will help redress that sin.

The Trials And Tribulations Of Being A Rally Fan In America

And those were the “big” names. I’ve talked to countless other drivers in the 12 Sno-Drift rallys I’ve attended since that first experience in 2000, and nobody outside the small but tight-knit American rally circle will ever know their names. That’s terrifically unfortunate, because even the “amateur” drivers are pretty freaking amazing behind the wheel. That’s especially true for the Sno-Drift in Michigan, because that state doesn’t allow studded tyres for road use, and rally cars must comply with local laws.

The Trials And Tribulations Of Being A Rally Fan In America

That means competitors at the Sno-Drift have to race through dense forests on snow and ice-covered seasonal roads with normal snow tyres. Now, consider that Open-class Rally America cars make 330bhp, with Super Production making just a bit less. Even cars in the 2WD categories making half that power require incredible skill to control in such circumstances.

Just prior to my media dinner with Block back in 2010, he did a shakedown stage in his Open-Class AWD Fiesta. At 110mph. On ice. Without studded tyres. Surrounded by trees. Meanwhile, the obnoxious snowmobilers waiting for the night stages to clear so they could keep riding were bragging about hitting 90mph on a frozen lake… with carbide ski runners and studded tracks. Yeah, so not impressed.

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I love America, I really do. But if I could make one motorsports wish, it would be to generate a huge rally fanbase so the people in this sport can have more opportunity to do what they love. Aside from a fortunate few with factory sponsorship, the rest are footing much of the costs themselves, right down to the rental trucks they use as support vehicles. They race through blind roads and trails on the edge of control, doing their best to set a good time without wrecking the car. Then they head to service in a dark parking lot to make repairs with a skeleton crew so they can do it all over again. The rest of the world understands the intense skill, concentration, and sheer passion involved to be part of a rally team. I wish the rest of America knew this as well.

The Trials And Tribulations Of Being A Rally Fan In America

Barring just two years, I’ve been to every Sno-Drift rally since 2000, and 2010 was the most popular event I’d attended. Block was there. Pastrana was there, and they brought new fans into the world of rally. But it was only a small victory, because after the night stages had finished and I returned to my hotel 25 miles away, nobody had even the slightest clue such skilled drivers were putting on a hell of a show just down the road, never mind that it was all free to watch. Same for the restaurants, the shops, and the petrol stations in town.

The Trials And Tribulations Of Being A Rally Fan In America

”You mean you’ve been standing outside in this freezing cold weather to watch cars drive through the woods? Are you crazy?” Nope. We’re just misunderstood rally fans in America.

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Aston Martin Poláček

Totally know how you feel. A rally stage actually leads right through my town. The only reaction this gets from the locals is their stupid complaining about the road being closed for a couple of hours. Sometimes they even try to boycott the event. One guy said he doesn’t want the rally to lead around his property (don’t know the exact details) and the SS actually had to be shortened because of that. Or a woman didn’t want the road to be closed, so on the day of the event she just parked her car in the middle of the SS and the race had to be postponed.

01/01/2016 - 16:01 |
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Empire State Performance Rally/Rally New York?

01/02/2016 - 02:09 |
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reminds me of switzerland…even the swiss rally cars have to be registered in foreign countries due to swiss law. all of the competing cars in swiss rally championship are registered in italy or france…shows how much switzerland loves racing and rallying…

01/01/2016 - 16:33 |
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You mean US america is a continent

01/01/2016 - 18:51 |
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The WRC comes to America too, Mexico and Argentina for example. America is not only the US…

01/01/2016 - 19:26 |
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Come anywhere West of the Rockies. I think there are like 3 rallies. I have to go to Colorado Springs to get my yearly fix. Pike’s Peak :)

01/02/2016 - 01:11 |
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Tyler Odens

Would love to be able to watch more rally in the US, hopefully there’s more of it in the PNW vs the midwest.

01/02/2016 - 02:37 |
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PNW has four rallies (five if you count Idaho)

01/02/2016 - 04:36 |
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There’s simply no good roads for rally in America. There’s a reason drag racing is much more popular here

01/02/2016 - 04:29 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

That’s not true at all, there are some incredible roads!

01/02/2016 - 04:34 |
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Dave Moore

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

I am not sure what your standard for “good” is, but I have seen roads rough enough to break cars, smooth enough to max-rev some high quality/$$$ machinery, roads with competitors “heading north of 120mph” with trees a couple of feet from them, roads so twisty the co-drivers can barely catch a breath from calling notes, sandy roads, slick wet clay roads, gravelly roads… Not to mention steam crossings as part of the special stage, sheer drop offs on both sides of the road, huge elevation changes, stages that look like an old fashion washboard or mogul run at a ski resort… To me, those are some pretty great and challenging roads from the driver’s viewpoint & co-driver’s perspective — service teams are probably not all that keen on that kind of diverse challenge given the carnage they often have to repair… I haven’t seen the western side of the country, but I have worked rallies from Maine to Michigan and Ontario to West Virginia. Just my perspective.

01/02/2016 - 21:58 |
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wherever there is snow there is a volvo sliding xD

01/02/2016 - 06:22 |
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I do rally for almost 11 years now. Most of my friends are petrolheads, so they know about rally, altough many of them don’t have any clue of what is like to drive on gravel. In my country, rally have the biggest fan base in motorsport. One of my friends didn’t had any idea of what rally was all about. All he wanted was football. So, one time we invite him to see a rally. And he got completly hooked up to rally, and on the next season he was my co driver. Sometimes all people need is a litle push. Because in our days, people are settled with what they know, and are afraid to experience new things

01/02/2016 - 12:55 |
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Dave Moore

I had READ about rally in AutoWeek many years ago, but it was mostly WRC coverage, and I was a die-hard road racing (SCCA & IMSA) fan so I didn’t pay much attention. Then I moved to Wellsboro, PA and was surprised one day with a slew of rally cars parked around the center of town. Beyond the extraordinary novelty of “parc expose”, my RACE introduction was via John Buffum’s ex-factory Audi Quattro. I had never seen a “Scandinavian flick”, and I was sure the guy was going to crash, but then — he was GONE… and that sound… Still gives me goose bumps 28 years later. The addiction grew from spectator, through worker of various stripes, to organizer (radio). Check out (national RA event) and (regional SCCA snow rallysprint).

01/02/2016 - 18:46 |
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