Trump Could Reverse All US Emissions Legislation For Cars

Donald Trump could repeal the legislation forcing manufacturers to produce ever-cleaner cars, potentially causing thousands of deaths due to increased air pollution.
Cars and trucks collectively account for a fifth of all US emissions and both Democrats and Republicans alike have worked to reduce that through laws forcing car makers to lower tailpipe emissions. The same thing is going on in Europe.
But the Wall Street Journal quotes John Mashburn, a senior policy advisor to Trump, as saying:
“The Trump administration will complete a comprehensive review of all federal regulations. This includes the fuel economy and emissions standards to make sure they are not harming consumers or American workers.”
Trump will not only have the Oval Office, but also the Senate and the House of Representatives, both of which are under Republican control. That makes it much easier for him to pass the laws he wants.
An article on Jalopnik claims that Americans simply don’t want smaller, more efficient cars because fuel prices are low. It says that the law is harming manufacturers and costing jobs because they’re being forced to make fewer cars that people won’t choose anyway, instead of lines upon lines of cheaply-made gas-guzzling pickups.
In short, it’s the easy option to relax laws and let car makers pump out as much pollution as they want.
And yet 5.5 million people die worldwide as a result of air pollution. Most deaths are in developing countries but the effects of the deadly toxins within exhaust gases are the same everywhere.

Michael Brauer of the University of British Columbia in Canada is quoted by the BBC in an article from February 2016 as saying: “The whole population benefits when air quality improves.
“In the US, we know that for every dollar spent on air pollution improvements, we can get between $4-$30 benefit in terms of reduced health impacts.”
Trump seems to have forgotten that it’s not the 1970s any more. It’s no longer the time when American global manufacturing might went unchallenged. Frankly, I don’t want to go back to the ‘70s: the hairstyles were terrible.

But perhaps dear Donald should reflect on a previous US President before making any rash policy moves. It was John F Kennedy who said in his most famous speech:
“We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard; because that goal will serve to organise and measure the best of our energies and skills; because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win.”
Lowering air pollution is hard, and will continue to be hard, but if we’re going to leave this world in a better state than we found it, then JFK’s way has to be our way. If Trump takes the easy route, more people will inevitably die.
We still need regulations, as much fun giant v8s are we still need to downsize and have cats, the environments just as important as your car, either way this forces manufacturers to make more efficient engines
Regulations are important and we definitely shouldn’t go backwards in terms of efficiency and pollution. However, with current technology it is very very difficult for manufacturers to meet the very strict requirements. Sooooo maybe loosing the slack a little would help and prevent things like cheating?
This is man I voted for, and hopefully he will help make the car family happy
And I’ll be enjoying my new life in Australia. ‘STRAYA MATE!
Sorry, if America dies so does the world. Already, the world market took a hit.
When you realize CarThrottle had better placement of Kennedy’s moon speech quote then in your bar mitzvah speech…
Don’t be sure he can do any of the things he said he would. They have to get past congress, and even with a republican house and senate, that isn’t a walkover. There are plenty of republicans who wouldn’t go along with his suggestions. The madder his idea, the less likely he is to get it through. It’s not even sure that he’d succeed in getting Obamacare repealed.
Political rant incoming! Look away while you still can! You have been warned
I can’t realize why everyone hates Trump and thinks he is going to destroy the world. Is he the greatest guy? No, he is not. He has a sketchy past and has made some very scary propositions in regard to his policy. But I don’t think people realize that he isn’t going to follow through with what he said on his campaign. No president ever has. . . He is not going to build a wall, hes not going to block immigration, ect. Not only is he not, HE CANT! The president doesn’t make those decisions, Congress does. So all the people, especially the media, needs to stop saying Trumps going to destroy the world. He might, but we won’t know till he’s president, and he obviously has support, because he is now in office. So everyone needs to stop saying Trump is bad, and start supporting him because he is here for the next 4 years. In regards to the original post, reducing emissions laws is stupid and I hope he doesn’t do that because I like breathing.
Good thing we also have a Republican congress and senate, aND will soon have a Republican court as well.
I hardly like the guy and consider myself somewhat of a liberal-minded person, but I agree with that. The mainstream media and extreme left overhyped this somewhat, but failed to see that any of his proposals will have to be approved first by Congress. (Unless he uses executive orders)
-He promise that he’s going to destroy ISIS, but in the END he’s going to attack all other Islam Majorities because he thinks banning Islam isn’t enough to pay all of these Obama’s Debt
-He said Climate Change is hoax only for his own country, but in the END, he’s going to build more factories in Europe (Which will probably triggers the whole Europe)
Now how do you expect the world believes in Trump if Bush & Obama failed us this whole TIME?
I think trump is talking about manufacturing pollution. Not individual vehicle pollution. We have created such tight epa regulations companies are tired of implementing new smog prevention systems every year. A single epa regulation forced my company to install a 10million dollar essentially catalytic converter or else it faced closing. One more regulation like that and it moves. company’s dont just seiese to exist because smog regulations. They up and move to countries without regulations like sounth america and Asia. Were still breathing in the same air. The only difference is we lost a few thousand jobs. This is what trump wants to change.
Mr Trump could we have these now?-American JDM fans 2016
It’s time lol
Trump cant just throw out all emissions laws. He has to have approval, and he won’t. Come on, lets be realistic here. He won’t repeal emissions laws just like he won’t build a wall along the US/Mexico border.
I wonder if the civic type r from the 90’s would become legal because one of the main things making it illegal was the emissions
Other than that it is identical to the USA spec civic