Vehicle Virgins Escaped Uninjured After Tyler Hoover's 355 Exploded On Him

Tyler's Ferrari F355 spontaneously combusted while Parker of Vehicle Virgins fame was behind the wheel
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We’ve all enjoyed keeping up with Tyler Hoover’s occasionally expensive journey with his temperamental F355, but sadly, his cheap Ferrari adventure has taken a nasty turn.

The car had been shipped out to California ahead of Monterey Car Week, where friend Parker Nirenstein - better known as Vehicle Virgins - would be storing the car and making videos with it. Just after wrapping up one shoot, Parker noticed he could smell fuel, and immediately stopped to called Tyler.

After popping the engine cover it appeared there was a power steering fluid leak, so Tyler asked if Parker could limp it to a mechanic familiar with exotic cars. After calling the mechanic in question to check if it was definitely safe to drive the car, Parker departed and made it just a few metres before the car exploded into flames. His passenger had a minor burn to his leg, but other than that, both - thankfully - emerged unscathed.

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We can’t help but feel for both Tyler and Parker here - both are clearly devastated; Hoover for his wrecked Ferrari, and Nirenstein for being in charge of the car when it went up, even though he’s clearly blameless.

As for the F355, it will be covered by insurance, but remarkably, the car may yet live on. “There’s no way this is the end of the 355, no matter how bad it looks, it’s not going to get scrapped,” adding that there’s “One person who’s crazy or stupid enough to buy this thing,” followed by a shot of Tavarish

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Matt D

Press F to pay respects.

08/24/2018 - 00:51 |
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That’s it, I’ve had it with these Instagram posing $)&)*’
You smell gas then have to call a mechanic to ask if it’s okay to drive. You good for nothing but driving a car and making videos mf.
I can tune and and do more than these shi$tb@gs ever could. Where the hell is my video camera. Time to make a real channel with people who know more than how to pull up to a full service gas station.

08/24/2018 - 02:23 |
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More than you can afford pal, burned leather.

08/26/2018 - 05:17 |
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Kris Amill

Typical Ferrari…

08/26/2018 - 07:10 |
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