Video: Woman Driver Punished With Sign-Holding After Pavement Pass

What happens when you mount a pavement to pass a bus full of kids? Cleveland happens...
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Ever wondered why school buses in America have big 'Stop' signs that stick out when children are boarding? It's because you're not allowed to pass it in either direction whilst it's stopped. Pretty simple to understand you'd have thought.

Shena Hardin from Ohio doesn't like this rule at all. In fact, her time is so precious that she's willing to drive her Jeep Compass on the pavement just to get to her final destination.

Thankfully, our citizen-friendly bus driver put a call into the 'Five Oh', flipped out their camera phone and gave birth to this epic moment where Hardin gets caught red-handed. So what was the punishment for this potentially lethal offense?

$250 (£156) in court costs. A 30 day ban. Oh, and next week, she'll have to stand at one of Cleveland's busiest junctions, on a chilly November's day, wearing a big sign saying 'Only an idiot drives on the sidewalk just to avoid a school bus' during the morning rush hour. For two days.

Should this sort of punishment catch on? Let us know what you think below. Maybe in the future, every few miles we'll see someone standing next to the road with signs such as 'I shouldn't have necked that Jager bomb', 'That white stuff in my car was some flour, I swear!' and 'I hit you whilst evading the police'.

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