Was The Grand Tour’s Maserati Destruction Really Necessary?

The Maserati film in the latest Grand Tour episode was enjoyable, but did all the Bi-Turbo killing have to happen?
Was The Grand Tour’s Maserati Destruction Really Necessary?

We’ve touched upon the subject of Clarkson, Hammond and May’s ‘killings’ of modern classic cars before. The motors the trio used - and usually destroyed - for challenges were getting uncomfortably good toward the end of that era of Top Gear, culminating in a Porsche 928, Lotus Esprit and Ford Mustang suffering rather badly on the Patagonia Special, even before the mob intervention.

So, when seeing that the latest episode of The Grand Tour was to going to feature three boxy old Maseratis - one Bi-Turbo and two Bi-Turbo derivatives - I wondered what sort of shape they’d be in by the end of the episode. And with about 5 minutes to go until the end, I was pleasantly surprised.

Was this scene really necessary?
Was this scene really necessary?

Other than a few inevitable scraps and the rubber penis being drilled onto the steering wheel of James’ 430, the cars had actually fared quite well. Until that was, Jeremy’s Bi-Turbo S fell off the back of a recovery van, and James’ then de-penised 430 was shot into the water at “the company yacht”, in what felt like a rather gratuitous scene. And it irked me a little.

Yes, this might seem rich given that I write for a publication that deliberately killed an old Mercedes C-Class by starving of oil recently, but it is (or rather was) a generic mass market car that was already dying when we got hold of it. The Bi-Turbo range might represent a low point in Maserati’s history, but it’s still a Maserati, and an enthusiast car that’s on the verge of dying out.

Was The Grand Tour’s Maserati Destruction Really Necessary?

There are only 22 Bi-Turbos left registered on UK roads according to howmanyleft.com, and just six 430s. Of course we don’t know if any of the Maseratis featured in TGT were already at death’s door (Clarkson’s Bi-Turbo seemed particularly ill at the beginning of the episode), but getting spares for cars like these is usually a nightmare, so at the very least you’d hope for star cars to be fit enough to be used for parts to keep other examples ‘alive’, rather than being in bits at the bottom of the English Channel.

Not long ago I was talking to the owner of one of the last Alfa Romeo 164 Cloverleafs in the country. He told me how it was necessary to buy up any 164 spares he saw regardless of whether or not he needed them at the time, just in case. He’d even had bits shipped over from Japan. That’s what it’s like keeping an ‘endangered species’ of a car alive, and he was understandably miffed to see Top Gear hack a 164 Cloverleaf in half and weld it onto Saab 9000 a few years back.

TGT at least proved that - despite everything - the Bi-Turbo is cool in its own quirky way
TGT at least proved that - despite everything - the Bi-Turbo is cool in…

If any of the owners of the few remaining Bi-Turbos have seen the latest TGT episode, I’m sure they felt the same. Cars may get killed for TV and films all the time, but you’d hope a car-loving show would be a little more sympathetic toward the more special cars it features.

Am I being too precious about this? Should you be able to do what you want with a car you’ve bought, free from the threat of some pedantic bloke on the Internet having a moan? I’m curious to hear your thoughts…

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Didn’t old TG crush a bi turbo with a caravan?

01/20/2017 - 22:17 |
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Nice Job, Señor Spoilers

01/20/2017 - 23:20 |
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Marco André

I like the Grand Tour, but i definitelly agree with the post. I saw it comming a mile off, but i hate it so much when people destroy 3 perfectly good cars for “entertainment sake”. I like Jeremy Clarkson, but he’s kinda been too much of a yobo for my liking, especially on TGT. I even felt bad when they did the electric Bi-Turbo on Wheeler Dealers. Even if it has a rubbish engine, i think it looks good, and it earns it’s place in history for being the first Bi-Turbo production car and what made Maseratti stay affloat when things turned to hell.

In short, destroying cars for “entertainment sake” is a bad thing and i’d like it to stop now, because it isn’t that entertaining, just blindsighted cruelty.

01/21/2017 - 00:16 |
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this is the stupid post that cause the farcas in the first place, you cannot do this you cannot say that basically freedom of speech is gone and you cannot have fun.

it a car show that had a stunt to end it, i was fine with it and them destroying car as it help me get rid of my anger now i not allow that as car guy said you cannot do that why it a crappy car that all.

it not cruelty at all i rather have Jeremy do this, than get into fights as he not allowed to do what he want to do why because you said so why it fun that why.
take away the fun and what do you get, a boring car show like fifth gear cancelled Top Gear on life support one bad season and it cancelled Jeremy need more than ever right now.

this is why i blame car guys for the farcas, you would not stop projecting your love of car onto other people and not car culture in turmoil Clarkson has to finsh it and he doing it the right way.

so what if was staged and you could see if a mile off guys, noo one bother about it except car guys who will not listen to non car guys who love that kind of duke of hazard stunt.

why project your hate of it on me, cars caused the disconnect that lead to the farcas that why Jeremy has to finsh it his way his rules like he should have been allowed to at Auntie until he finshed car culture is disconnect.

it not cruelty at all, that a silly post and these post that annoy people and start arguement just let them have fun no one bloody care about cars anymore to quote chris evans fact.

01/21/2017 - 15:48 |
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Max Schmalfuß

Sees Headline Yes. :^)

01/21/2017 - 00:41 |
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01/21/2017 - 02:49 |
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I wish they had finished it like they did in classic top gear fashion. These are dumb now

01/21/2017 - 02:56 |
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Thanks alot guys!! You spoiled it for me

01/21/2017 - 03:28 |
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Those cars are some garbage

01/21/2017 - 05:02 |
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Well, they are rare, as in a steak, like the opposite of well done. But seriously, did you ever think that maybe by show casing them it might drive some happy memories and generate some interest in the cars and fire up the enthusiasts enough to put a few back on the road? By killing a few it generates awareness. And perhaps that’s what the hobby needs

01/21/2017 - 05:26 |
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i got halfway through the episode and couldn’t even finish it, too boring

01/21/2017 - 05:52 |
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