Watch An Angry SUV Driver Punt A Biker Into The Tarmac In This Shocking Altercation

A road rage incident soon escalates when an SUV driver cuts in on a group of bikers riding in formation, culminating in the former ramming one of the riders off their bike

This shocking incident took place on a freeway in Orange County, California, and looks to have started when an SUV driver took the same exit as a group of bikers at the last minute, splitting the formation in the process. The bikers clearly didn’t take too kindly to this, as you’ll hear from the revving and a few of the bikers passing at relatively close proximity. It seems as though the driver didn’t appreciate one rider in particular overtaking, appearing to speed up and deliberately ram them off their bike and onto the busy freeway.

Fortunately, the biker in question is thought to have escaped with only minor injuries. According to the video description on YouTube, the driver was apparently ‘let go’ as it could not be proven that their actions were intentional.

Video via Car Scoops

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I hope a 18 wheeler ran down that suv and crushed it like that saleen mustang in 2Fast 2Furious

05/09/2016 - 14:54 |
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Jurgen Qatipi

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Not possible because, well, it’s an suv.

05/10/2016 - 07:20 |
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Ramming a biker in front of his mates is a good way to get hospitalised/murdered.

05/09/2016 - 15:43 |
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H5SKB4RU (Returned to CT)


05/09/2016 - 16:58 |
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H5SKB4RU (Returned to CT)

For any biker in the coment section or anywhere please read my post to avoid more videos like this :) thank you

05/09/2016 - 17:24 |
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Anthony B

wow!! Good thing it’s in video! I know riders can be dicks sometimes but if you’re in a car you don’t do this type of stuff, especially when you’re in a highway going a decent speed….he could have killed that rider and somebody could have ran him over after he fell….good thing he’s ok though

05/09/2016 - 17:38 |
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Hey asshats saying that the motorcyclist were doing stupid things and they were driving recklessly please check your sources before you say something stupid Here is the whole video except for the the confrontation afterwards.
Before you judge someone make sure you know what happened. Not all motorcyclist horrible people.

05/09/2016 - 22:22 |
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@Matt Robinson
please stop promoting users that steal videos and use the vid from the OP. and give the views to the person that deserves them. Also the vid description would alleviate some of the hate on the motorcyclists
Thank You

05/09/2016 - 22:36 |
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Somebody please explain to me how that’s not deliberate. I fail to see it.

05/10/2016 - 00:23 |
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That SUV driver should just be savagely beaten with a tire iron.

05/10/2016 - 00:56 |
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where I live, they can at least ticket you for just forcing a motorcycle leave its lane, and that ticket isn’t a small one.

05/10/2016 - 02:25 |
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