Watch Bambi Smash Through A Bus Windscreen Then Go Absolutely Mental
Video footage of vehichle vs animal usually doesn't end well for either party - you'll normally hear screams and be in no doubt that said animal is now road kill. (This harrowing moose vs car video is proof of just that).

But miracles do happen, and the video you're about to watch is a good example. As this deer sprints across the road, it smashes its way straight through the windscreen of a fast-moving bus. The animal appears unhurt but dazed and quickly gets back on its feet.

Clearly keen to get the hell off the bus, Bambi attempts to butt its way out again, but fails. The driver slows down to open the door, but the deer continues to go mental up and down the length of the empty bus.

The video stops just before Bambi makes a run for it, but we believe in fairy tales so we'll assume it escaped unhurt.
Thanks for the link, Ben J!
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