Watch A Car Dramatically Roll Over After The Passenger Pulls The Handbrake (Updated)

Apparently unhappy about her boyfriend 'racing' bikers on Mexico's Cuernavaca highway, the passenger in this car decided to pull the handbrake, with catastrophic consequences

We’d initially thought the car was trying to swerve into the bikers, but we’ve since come across several other uploads of the video that claim the handbrake was pulled by a female passenger, who wasn’t happy about her boyfriend trying to race the bikes. The condition of the car’s occupants is unknown.

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I guess she was expecting an “Emergency Stop” but didn’t turn out. She did turn thou. A lot.

07/05/2016 - 18:54 |
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Ian m

Women drivers…
Oh crap here come the feminists

07/05/2016 - 20:46 |
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good thing modern cars have those ebrake buttons. no dumb chick can press that!

07/05/2016 - 21:45 |
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they were seen “sharing drinks” with another car while running, moments before the accident

07/05/2016 - 22:59 |
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But a few moments before…

07/05/2016 - 23:15 |
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And the aftermath

07/05/2016 - 23:15 |
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In this situation would it be acceptable to hit a woman?

07/06/2016 - 00:03 |
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You can instantly tell from the first viewing that the handbrake was engaged as the rear wheels just stop and the tyres smoke… I don’t see how anyone would’ve thought they swerved into the bikers

07/06/2016 - 00:03 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

besides of course, you know, he went to the left 1st which kinda rules out trying to run them over.

07/06/2016 - 15:09 |
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Looks like this scenario (puts on sunglasses) took a turn for the worst.


07/06/2016 - 00:39 |
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this could be the only benefit of an Electronic Handbrake over the manual ones !

07/06/2016 - 01:34 |
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