Watch A Car Dramatically Roll Over After The Passenger Pulls The Handbrake (Updated)

Apparently unhappy about her boyfriend 'racing' bikers on Mexico's Cuernavaca highway, the passenger in this car decided to pull the handbrake, with catastrophic consequences

We’d initially thought the car was trying to swerve into the bikers, but we’ve since come across several other uploads of the video that claim the handbrake was pulled by a female passenger, who wasn’t happy about her boyfriend trying to race the bikes. The condition of the car’s occupants is unknown.

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What a stupid ….how can anyone think this might be a good idea? HOW?!

07/07/2016 - 18:44 |
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Watch A Car Dramatically Roll Over After The Passenger Pulls The Handbrake (Updated)

She needs to get hung. What a menace to society! She could have killed many people including herself and the others in the car.

07/08/2016 - 03:57 |
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The Brake Up

07/11/2016 - 12:29 |
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Tyler Holderman

Wow, what a girlfriend…

07/11/2016 - 12:31 |
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she’s instantly dumped, and paying her own medical bills, nope

07/18/2016 - 11:22 |
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