Watch A Dodge Viper Come Spectacularly Close To Smashing Into A Concrete Wall At The 'Strip
This Dodge violently snaps on two separate runs at the Viper Nationals in Houston, Texas. The first time nearly hitting a wall, and the second time crossing into its competitor's lane. The cause is thought to be a broken differential
He suddenly wanted to be a drifter so he wall tapped the sh*t out of that wall
Dodge just dodged the wall??
Close call, he nearly RAMED the wall
Lucky one. They would CHARGE him a lot of money to fix that wall
Without a SHADOW of a doubt
I’ve heard the dealerships are hell of a CHARGER for cleaning all that poo inside
He don’t want to see his SHADOW on a wall again
Viper: Ooh a wall. I want one. GIVE ME!!!
Stupid driver keeping the viper away from the love of its life, the wall.
Insert : can’t touch this 😂😂
first on the scene reported “MANY POOS” in drivers seat.
(if i may quote JC)
On the second clip she accelerated hard af. Thanks to a good driver that car has a chance of being fixed
Why did he even go for a second run? -.-:
Forgot to say the dragsters’ prayer, God still forgives.
Fire fist ace flinched with this video…
this guy needs to practice on his own!